My Good Landed Me In Cell

I went out to hustle for how to get some beans bought, as the cost is now on the high side. Although, not as much as that of rice. I went out, leaving my kids behind, as my husband had gone to work. It was an evening where everywhere was dark.

I had to rush fast just to get what I went for and also to buy some foodstuffs. Right in the market, a strange woman whom I did not know or have not seen before surfaced from nowhere. She asked me to give her my phone as she wanted to reach someone.
“Please, what happened to your phone?” I asked her.
“My phone battery has been flat since the last call I made. I have to get to where I'm going today or else, things may get spoiled”, she responded soberly.

I didn't want that to disturb my market and quickly gave her my phone as I had some call cards in my phone. “Alright, have it”, I said.

My mind was firm. I never suspected anything bad from her just because of the innocent look she has.

She thanked me so much for trusting her to the extent of releasing my phone.
“Please, don't waste my time. My kids are at home waiting and my husband should be back by now”, I said to her, thinking I was doing good for her.

She gave me a distance as she may not want me to hear her conversation. I agreed with that fact. I turned around trying to get a water leaf and could not see this lady. Likewise, I began to search and search, but could not find her. “What led me into this mess? I should have told her I was not having a calling card”. I was lamenting about releasing my phone. It was getting late, and she was nowhere to be found.

A lady who knew me so well was passing by, and I immediately called her to lend me her phone, so I could try my phone number. I tried to call, but the number was not picked up. Tears were heavy in my eyes as it was a phone of about #130,000. Where would I find such an amount of money to get myself another phone? And what should I tell my husband about my phone and what happened? These questions kept ringing in my mind.

It was not until two minutes, a call came to the woman's phone I used to call. She rushed to me and handed the phone to me. I picked up the call and the person asked me to come to a POS agent's boot. It was close to where I was. Without wasting any time, I rushed down. Behold, I met the unexpected. They jacked me and began to beat me up without reason. I was surprised and asked them to tell me what I had done wrongly, but no one was ready to explain.


I'm doomed and have vowed not to try this ever again.

The POS agent called the police station. Within 10 minutes, they arrived. They took me to the police station with one mouth swollen up. The policeman in charge asked me to write my statement. I told him “I don't know what to write as I knew less of the reason they were beating me”.
This was when the POS agent came up to say I had connived with the lady who collected my phone to dupe her. The lady went to the shop to make a transaction. She told the POS agent to transfer the sum of #49,000 to her account, which the agent foolishly did without being paid. She also asked the POS agent to transfer another sum of #60,000 to her account, which she also did stupidly. This made a total of #109,000. This is a considerable sum of money.

After hearing this, I was left shocked and with my mouth open. How would they believe me that I was not part of the deal? I tried to explain, but the policemen present could not believe me, instead were telling me to speak the truth.

I have suffered and presently, I'm still in the police station suffering for a crime I did not commit. Not only that, but I may sleep in the cell today… I'm doomed… The good I have done has turned me to sadness.


So was the woman who collected your phone in the market found?, it's good to help but in a situation where someone suffer for something she didn't do can be so dramatic, I Wish the woman is caught, so that she confess and the police set you free.


I can't stop laughing, this is serious matter. Honestly not everyone needs your help, some who present themselves to you want to use you like how this woman did, and next time someone should be carefully handling his phone to a stranger, instead tell her to press the number and you call for her while holding your phone yourself.


What a sad story. I hope you can get out of that problem quickly.
