Rising Star Meme #105 - Haste Makes Waste!


Welp, couldn't find any better pic to describe what happens when you put too much 'hurry' into what you want to do. It can be applied to anything besides Rising Star itself (like life, working, even Hive), but let's focus on the game since well... it's a Rising Star "Meme".

A "Haste Makes Waste" Example in the Game

  • Buying/Selling NFTs on the market:
    Well, this one is the most prominent example out there and veterans are most familiar with it. Just as much as people lose money because of this, there are others who utilize this phenomenon to make a profit!

The concept is simple; If you're in much of a hurry to do something (literally anything), chances are that you're willing to take a loss in order to do so! Take selling a card, for example. You can list a card for the market price and sell it in due time (whenever the buyer comes by). Alternatively, you can list it for a little bit cheaper (say, 5-10% lower so that the buyer would be more willing to buy). Essentially, what you're doing is shifting the "listed-till-sold" period of a card onto the buyer.

It's not anything irregular. In fact, it's happening all around the world all the time! But the thing is that you'd have to watch out for it so that you won't take a loss in doing so (the bigger players take the profit in the process, for your info).

How to Avoid It?

As I've said before, this "phenomenon" usually happens when one is in a hurry - if you're selling, you'd have to lower the price, or if you're buying, you'd have to bid more to sweeten the deal and snatch if out of the other person's hand!

So the first thing to note and DO is to...

Put your hurries aside!

As long as you're not in a hurry, you can put off the trade and wait for the perfect price.

You could also...

Anticipate your trades!

If you think you're gonna need something, or you're gonna get rid of something, DO NOT put it off and DO NOT wait for the last minute! The shorter window you have for your trade, the worse your offers would be. There'd be a shorter time window for that perfect trade to come in! So always know your next move!


I DID say putting off your trades until a better offer comes by is a good idea, but DO put into account the fact that sometimes the offers would only get worse!
To give an example, it was the case of XPBoosters and their increasing price!
They were so cheap one day (~40-50 Hive), but that got higher as time went by and more players swarmed the game! It went up to 70-80 Hive, but this is an example of the price NOT coming down. The increase was not due to volatility, but due to sheer market demand.
In these cases, it's better to go for the item you're shopping for right away as the price would only get higher (or lower, if something you want to sell is being offered for cheaper and cheaper over time!)...

Hope it was helpful. I believe there are more points to be discussed, but I guess that'd be outside the scope of a simple meme (go learn economics xD jk, I don't know anything, either), but feel free to drop your questions down below...

Stay safe and don't hurry (or DO, idk :D)
