Rising Star Meme #84 - 'Rushers' Be Like


I do come up with terms and expressions in Rising Star all the time. Like "burning Skills" and such, and now "Rushers".
I guess it's high time we came up with them and I'd be happy to be the one suggesting some lol

As you already know, leveling up in Rising Star is quite a tedious task, and it's the primary barrier to new Levels and Zones!
Getting the Fans required for missions is a pretty easy task, and it wouldn't hurt to go beyond the minimum required, y'know!

But levels are different - it takes time to get them, the cards that boost them are quite limited/rare (expensive too!) and it gets more and more difficult to level up every time you do!

Who Are Rushers?

I call XP-Booster-hungry people 'Rushers'! Not that it's a bad thing, no. It's just a strategy that they believe in and follow! And a quite effective one if you're a long-term investor and your wallet has enough juice to get those Boosters!!!

Their Strategy

Their plan, in its entirety, is to unlock Zone 4 ASAP and have the least Level requirement for the last mission in the game and start farming after that!
They can then sell their Boosters to get the original investment back after this stunt, but be warned that Jux has told about plans on adding more levels (cities other than buskeria) and they'd have level requirements - so they might not be as useless when you got access to all missions. Or even go for more levels to have access to the newest missions just as they come out!!!

There's also FanClub cards update where the cards will be utilized, and I'm not sure how the missions that utilize FC cards (or their requirements) will be, but it's good to be on guard :D

Does it Work?

Yeah, Sure! I mean, it does take a lot of time to get to the level required for the last mission in the game (350, I think?) - that'd be something around 3 years of straight grinding day and night with no boosters!

XPBoost10 increases XP gained throughout all missions for as long as you hold onto the card by 80% - almost doubling your progress speed!

So, yeah! It's a solid strategy, but does require some funds and if you got that and the balls of steel to risk it and go for them, sure, do go ahead :D
I'll be looking forward to that :3

Hope that helped, I think I've left out many details, so if anything was confusing or you'dlike more numbers and statistics regarding the matter, do drop a comment below and I'll get to ya soon :)

Stay healthy and RUSH ON!!
