Rising Star Meme #98 - What to Do Now?


Well, actually there hasn't been an exact date confirmed for the next update, but that's not what this meme is concerned about. Today we're here to answer the question that...

What to Do in the Meantime??

As much as we all are eager for more updates, I guess we can agree that there is something more important we need to take care of first and that is none other than the Fan Club.

We don't know when the update will go live, what it is going to be exactly, or even whether or not it'd be profitable to actually farm them or not! But my money is on the side that it actually IS going to be a part of the game worth investing in. There is word that this update is going to be yet one of the biggest additions to Rising Star AND it IS actually taking quite some time to develop. So, I bet it's something worth the time the dev team is taking and it's going to be better to prepare sooner than later!

What Better Time Than Now??

We got no live events right now, and that makes for the perfect opportunity for us to take the time and farm Promoting the Fanclub - or rather do anything we can't do while there's a live event.

Some spend days farming Skills, some try maximizing their daily gain, and some push to get their hands on Fan Club cards!
But there's something to note and it comes from something that happened before!

A Small Experience Tip

Back when Music Promoter was introduced, things got pretty hectic real quick. It was back in late January when the Valentine's Event's NFTs were introduced. There was the Club Promotion as well (that had gotten added recently) and we were preparing for February's New Cards Day.

Everyone was confused! Did they want to farm limited edition instruments or did they want to get their hands on the Club Cards, first?? Or perhaps continue with their normal daily grind?
The point is, the time was limited, and there were so many things to choose from! Now it's just the simple daily farming plus the club promotion. The next scheduled event is to be Halloween and we got a long way ahead and we could only HOPE not to get any sudden Events. Don't get me wrong, tho! I also love events, but as I said before, we got some unfinished business and the perfect time to deal with it.

But don't take my word for it, as you might have more important matters in your current situation, or there might be the event that the next update and the Fan Club cards are not worth it that much... But who cares! We're just having fun and the new cards are nice to have lol

Stay safe and promote our club haha!


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