Winter Memes—Water and Coldness—Winter effects on Life

Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. It is the end of the month and we now have last Sunday of November. This month is amazing for me as it is full of adventures and has many good memories. As it is another edition of Creative-Sunday hence let me present my greetings with my beautiful toy.

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Winter Untold Adventures

In Pakistan, every day is getting more cooler than previous one. I don't like to cover my body with pile of clothes. In winter, I only hardly manage to uncover my face only 😂. It is still less worst than another adventure I 'm going to expose here.

In winter, people usually don't like to take a bath. In this Scenario if someone forcefully asked them for a bath then three people out of five will finger out for each other and no one will come first for a bath 😂.

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Kiddos are Special Cases in Winter:

If you have a family and have three to four babies. It is uncertain when you asked your baby for a bath. Her answer will be different from your expectations. You can relate your baby answer with this phrase.
"Sorry, I have hydrophobia or I 'm water repellent 😂"

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Warm Water is a big Blessing in Winter:

In Summer, I like to take a bath two times in a day. In winter, things become reversed. Everyday, I promised to myself that I would take a bath tomorrow or after tomorrow. Days changed into weeks and weeks into month. I have same excuses for a bath 😂.
Actually, I have to confirm about warm water before taking a bath. If warm water is available, then my heart always sings with song All is well.

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It is accidentally when you take a bath after months, your body shines more as compared to daily bath 😂. In winter, any bath is unexpected for me 😂.

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Some Kiddos need forcefully bathing:

I have seen that kiddos don't like to take bath in winter due to the fears of coldness. It is no doubt coldness has high degree in the morning and at night. Some parents don't leave their kiddos dirty either it is winter or summer. In this case, if anyone got forceful bath, his crying are loaded in whole housing society 😂. It looked someone has taken their body organs instead of giving bath 😂.

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Health Measurements in Winter:

It has no doubt, we have to cover our body with unexpected mass of clothes. It is good to save our body from winter effects. Additionally, we have to provide our body with some warm food. In this case, I like to take Egg soap every night before going to bed. It not only provide energy to our body but also its warm flavor has positive impact on our body. Hence, if I got a pack or bowl of egg Soap it is devoid of within seconds.

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Funny Conclusion

It is obviously right when water is cold there is no one who like it in winter. Our siblings, kiddos and parents have different reactions for this weather. The one and only tough task I love to consider in winter, is taking a bath. Hence, my memes have more focused on this issue 😂. Although, it is winter but we can't ignore the importance of diet. We should take what is warm and favourable for body in winter. I love to take egg soap and chicken soap. Both have good effects on my body.
This is my entry for HL Creative Sunday Edition, I hope, you enjoyed my memes. Thanks!


Made With Canva

[All memes are made by Meme application]


Oh Waoh! This us so cool @aslamrer. Winter is my best weather because I don’t like hot weather at all. So am always prepared to bath hot water at all time. Infect, the chilling feeling gives me lots of happiness reminding me Christmas 🎄 being just around. Thanks for sharing all those beautiful kiddos photographs. Happy Creative-Sunday .


Thank you @sunshine29 for your remarkable words. I hope, you also have enjoyed my memes like cold weather 😀. I don't like winter because I have to cover my body with different layers of clothes.


hahaha, i can relate to all the memes you have created here, it's all winter memes, if you don't have hot water in winters, it's very hard to get bath :D that's why i wake up early for Fajar prayer and the first thing i do is go upstairs and turn on the geyser.

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Hot water is a problem for me because our geyser doesn't work sometimes in the morning. I have made these memes to show winter complexities. Thank you for all your support and love.
