Life Splinter Monsters They Are The Best - Life Summoner




Hello, Splinterland warriors!
How are you today? I hope that you are fine and in good health.

In all the battles I fight in Splinterland, I find nothing better than the life splinter and its monsters, especially after adding the General Sloan summoner.
This battle was played with 27 mana, the performance of the tank was ok, although he was killed at the end of the second round, but he made room to capture the opponent's monsters in the back rows.
Pelacor Arbalest's performance was more than great because he alone was able to kill most of the opponent's monsters thanks to his double hit.
I can say that I am very satisfied with my monsters' performance in this battle, and thanks to General Sloan summoner.

These are my choices.

The summoner playing in this battle is General Sloan. This summoner consumes 4 mana but adds 1 ranged attack to all his monster friends.

First place: Shieldbearer Has 9 health, 4 armor, and deals 2 damage to the opponent. He has the ability to make all monsters target him, allowing back row monsters to target the opponent's monsters with ease.

Second place: Venari Crystalsmith Has 4 health, 1 ranged attack, and the ability to heal the first place monster. Help the tank hold out for a longer time thanks to the ability to heal.

The third place: Pelacor Arbalest has 2 health, and 2 ranged attacks and has the ability to deal a double hit that causes 4 damage to the opponent per round.

Fourth place: Herbalist do not consume much mana, and if they are used with a General Sloan summoner who adds 1 ranged attack to them, their role becomes very effective in battle.

place: Stitch Leech has 3 health and 2 damage and has the ability to sneak in and target the last enemy monster.

To watch the Battle

My Deck

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

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See you next time. Until then, I hope you are doing well.
