Crypto Psychology



A few days ago there was a discussion at work about getting old and how life seems it passes you by as the number of years under your belt increases. In that context my boss asked me if I think about that sort of stuff, for a bit more background information she is in her 50s while I have quite a bit until I get to that age, and I answered that I do almost everyday. Looking back on my statement I guess it sounded a bit exaggerated so I don't think she believed me.

But for the past few years I have started to look at things with a more detached view, thinking about what it all means, what goals are worth pursuing, trying my best to eliminate personal bias from how I view the world and other neuron fatiguing stuff of that sort. I'll leave my conclusion for another post but suffice to say that I decided to take it easier in general and have more fun.

Applying the same style of looking at things to what I do on the blockchain, trying to articulate in the most simplest way I can my everyday crypto adventures, well... it sounds like the words I wrote in the meme. No the most sane looking phrase I ever wrote and that's saying something if you know anything about this clown.

Maybe it would be fun if you guys would phrase what you do in the cryptosphere in the same simple and ridiculous way, so we could have a few lols in the comment section :P
