Thoughtful Thursday Yolo Lie


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to reflect on how a simple meme changed how I thought about something, and how a simple few words like that can change a perspective!

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Thoughtful Thursday Yolo Lie

I find it funny and interesting that sometimes, we can be exposed to something very profound but in such an unexpected way!

I'm a big fan of memes and have been for a really long time, I was using one of the original meme apps out there years ago SMS Rage Faces. It gave me so many laughs and really lit up my day many times. Since then though I've been always on the lookout for good memes in one way or another. It doesn't have to be hilarious but some memes really hit home in different ways!


I was taking a little mental break the other day and to do that I surf the memes for a little bit so I can recharge my mental batteries. When I was going about my day I came across this meme here and damn did it hit me with something powerful and those are my favorite memes! Lol

So many of us are told of the mindset YOLO! Also known as You Only Live Once and that really hasn't been challenged at all nor described as what it really is: a negative mindset. The meme here presents that in a way that I found quite profound and it didn't dawn on me to think of it that way! YOLO really is a negative mindset, in that you are expecting to die soon after so you are going to be ignoring the consequences of said actions. That's a pretty poor, and depending on the circumstances of the activity, hedonistic way of living and conducting yourself. If there's one thing that we seem to be falling down the rabbit hole on in life right now, it's going down the path of the seven deadly sins and the negative ramifications of that happening.


Changing that on it's head though, taking it from the positive mindset there, we don't live only once but we actually live every single day! We only (for most of us at least) die once but we can choose to live every single day such that it is an important and good day for not only ourselves but those around us as well.

I wish more people would have that type of mentality! I know it's not always possible, especially when we get a case of the gloomies but if we could have that mindset most of the time then damn, it would be a much better and more peaceful world I think. We wouldn't fall victim to the hedonistic and other malevolent negative virtues like greed and others if we were trying to live the day the best way we could. Thinking about it more, I think the older saying is to live life to the fullest and that one is a pretty apt one that was said quite a bit when I was a kid, though not as much today for insidious reasons I'm sure.

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At any rate though, I find that it's really good and interesting to have thoughts like these when the world around us ends up being pretty dark and there is a lot of energy and effort into keeping us afraid, depressed and not in a positive mental state of mind. If we can break free of those chains and get rid of those negative and lower vibrational emotions then we could do a whole lot better in our personal lives which may or may not reflect into the lives of those around us! I think it kind of goes along with my recent mantra that I'm trying to instill in my son that we should be the change that we want to see in the world. If we can try to get people to think that it's better to live your life every day and appreciate it instead of thinking it will be your last and to make poor decisions without thinking of consequences, we could definitely make some good impacts on changing the world for the better.

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I also don't really understand the thing behind that YOLO.
I might understand that one should live life to the fullest, but not without considering the risk and the consequences.
We don't live for just a day, but we will die one day. so use it as best as we can.


Agree with that my friend for sure! We will indeed die one day. It's interesting, my son was crying the other day and I asked him what was wrong, why was he crying and he said he didn't want to go into a the ground. I asked him if he meant he didn't want to die and he said yes. It's an interesting and heart wrenching thing to see him grapple with the things of life such as dying but I think it's an important mental growth state for him to try and understand it.

We definitely need to use our time as best we can, while also trying not to be intense about maximizing everything at every possible second. It's more natural to take things in natural cycles, ebb and flow.


Thank you for this

A great lesson for me

We only die once after all


It is a good lesson for sure I think!


I haven't heard the positive saying we only die once of course I've heard live life the fullest.

In most instances I have heard YOLO being used as an excuse to engage in something most likely risky or questionable. Yes almost always is it used in a negative way.


We are in a very cruel world, where everyone wants to destroy everyone, but I think there are still good people, people who really value, I liked your post, greetings


Indeed we are but I think we can fight back against the bad ideas with better ideas by spreading the things like this so that more people see it.


I like that you still have hope 😸


Well if we don't have hope, then we are lost I think. We have to fight back against the ideologies like this!


I agree with you, it's hard but you have to show that there are good people
