RE: Come and Take It!

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To be honest, I don't think banning firearms is a workable solution in the USA.... but I personally don't think the current scenario of a vast array of weaponry available to private citizens is healthy either. I do think that the number of school shootings in the US is a problem worth trying to solve.

I am in complete agreement with you on that. Earlier this year we had a mass shooting here in my city, that is an experience I wish no one and no place had to go through. (You can see my posts on that here, here, and here.) We went through the same tired routine in the aftermath, and exactly nothing changed. We had another mass shooting before that week was through, although that one seems to have been more of a gunfight rather than a killing spree.

Gotcha, firearms are definitely a much more complex issue than the others, I was just taking issue with that complexity disqualifying them from a discussion on banning things.


Yeah, I was too flippant in my response to you and should have put more thought into my answer. I knew it at the time too, but I was too distracted with my responses to the other posters. Sorry.

Aw man, that is brutal. I've never been personally affected by anything like that and my heart really does go out to everyone affected. I really do think the USA could do better in this arena. I'm in the US but I'm not from the US and so I don't always understand the nuance and complexity, but I do also think I can bring some different insights and ideas to the discussion.
