I have earned 100 PRE tokens


And you can do it too! I found this interesting coin called Presearch.

Presearch calls itself a Decentralized Search Engine that lets you "Search privately, receive better results and get rewarded". I signed up a few months ago, I think it was around November. I set Presearch as my default search engine in my browser.

PRE (SignUp!) <--- I didn't promote this immediately but after trying it for myself for more than 60 days and seeing for myself that it works I will recommend it. If you sign up with my link and are still active in 30 days, I get 25 tokens.

There are some interesting things about this search engine. It is similar to using duck duck go as an alternative search engine to google. Technically you are still searching google, but without personalization. You will notice that you get slightly different results, and can still go to google if you need to, but what I have found is that it really is like searching without the customized algorithm. I read that if you used this search engine you could earn PRE tokens and in fact I have earned 100.26 PRE in my browser after about two months of normal use.


Sure enough I am now using PRE and not even thinking about it. This company is building a new search engine. You can also stake PRE tokens on keywords and get traffic. This says also that nodes are easily set up on home computers so I might do this in the future.

Most of the PRE trading is on KuCoin against USDT or BTC but also on Uniswap for wETH.

100.26 PRE = 24.854 USD on Feb 2 2022


I am turning on autocomplete to see if I like it. ""The Road to Mainnet" is Presearch's first NFT collection". You can connect your wallet if you have the right kind. But I want to know, where are the tokens? I see that I have a Savings Account, a Rewards Account, a Portal Account and Withdraw Tokens. So the rule is 1000 Tokens is the withdraw minimum, and that's not too bad. If I earn 100 tokens in 2 months then in 2 years I could have 1200 tokens. At $0.24 that could be worth around $288 of value, but if the price rises then who knows what it could be.


0.079 PRE per search worth 0.019545153 USD in value. I am searching anyways, why not?


It is more than I was earning for searching before.


PRE (SignUp!) <--- Try it for 60 days and see if you can earn more than 100.

For more advanced readers, try setting up the node!

"It’s easy to get started!

  1. Install Docker on your computer or virtual server, or use a turn-key solution like ThreeFold.io, that already has Docker installed
  2. Register your node and get a registration code at https://nodes.presearch.org/dashboard
  3. Run the node start commands


PreSearch has three unique value propositions;

1. User control over data and privacy
2. Payment for contributing value to the ecosystem
3. Decentralization of the search ecosystem

"Beyond its structure, Presearch has been conceived from the very origin of the project to be decentralized to the maximum extent possible. While the project is too complex to be totally decentralized from day one, a detailed roadmap with specific milestones has been developed to achieve that end." - White Paper

You can Transfer PRE Tokens from your rewards wallet or the blockchain into your staking wallet if you want to utilize the no cost per click marketing features.

In your user profile you can just paste an ETH wallet address for blockchain withdrawl. If you want to buy PRE from a trusted source (at a discount) or from third party exchanges.

PRE (SignUp!) <--- Set PreSearch as your Default now!


Good idea for posting your referral code. Too bad the reward have been halfed so many time...it used to pay out well, but not too much anymore.
