Answer my great questions Series , Episode #1

Answer my great questions Series , Episode # 1

Answer my great questions with either serious or sarcastic remarks. You can answer in the comments or copy and paste my questions with your answers and create a brand new post. A great way to create a post if you can't think of anything to post or have writers block. Go ahead and drop your post link in the comments for some recognition.

This will be a new series I'll be starting. Let me know what you think.

Have fun:

What is the best Crypto for Giftcard service?

What is the meaning of life in just a few sentences or even better 1 sentence?

Who is sexier, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris?

Would you rather let Joe Biden sniff you for 1 hour or listen to Kamala Harris Cackle laughing at her own "jokes"?

What did you dream last night?

What is on your bucket list?

Who is your favorite Athlete?

What is your favorite health food?

What is your favorite junk food?

Would you go to Hivefest if it were in Iceland?

What is your favorite emoji?

And of course I made some memes. This time the Theme is Bud Light and UFC marriage.

Feel free to repost these on Twitter etc

More Cowbell..... Hell no, More North South Position. For those that do not know what North South Position is, it's when the fighters are in 69 position and the commentators don't want to say the the fighters are sixty nining, so they say North South instead

Bud Light is waiting with baited breath for this position to occur during the 1st fight after the partnership with UFC.

Watching these naked men roll around in 69 position is making me really thirsty. Anyone want a Bud Light?

Do UFC Fighters Spit or Swallow?

Improper North South Position. This comes after 6 months of Bud Light Sponsorship

Mcgregor not drinking "Properly" haha

He drank Bud Light instead of Proper 12

If you're really lazy like @trumpman then just Post a random emoji in the comments and maybe get noticed or I will randomly fart on you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The meaning of life can be found by understanding social debt; by the time we're old enough to think about the meaning of life we've accumulated debt to society from all we've received from others before we're able to give much back, so we have a responsibility to equalize the debt by helping others and this leads to the true happiness that only accepting responsibility can bring.

Whew, packed it all into one sentence :D


very deep resonse!


The happiness from taking responsibility for your life and helping others is on my mind a lot lately.

I think it addresses the meaning of life from a religious and a scientific perspective. Some may believe that God made us and we should have gratitude and follow His rules including loving others as ourselves.

Science and making observations anyone can do and verify also works. Humans are born helpless. We're not giraffes that pop out and get on our legs to eat leaves an hour later. It takes years before we can do much for ourselves. Someone fed us, sheltered us, cleaned up after us, taught us, showed us love. We all know this. We've all seen human babies, and although we may not remember our own lives before the age of 2, we know all this was provided for us as well.

The meaning of life is to find some meaning in life for ourselves because meaning gives us direction and we need that to assume some responsibility for ourselves and others to pay back the social debt we accumulated in our early years and may again accumulate in our waning years.

The human brain is designed (by evolution or God, your choice) to reward itself with pleasure when we actually do something with our life. Chemical neurotransmitters get released and we feel good when we accomplish something we wanted to do. By design, our brain self-reinforces the actions we take which increase the probability of survival of ourselves and also those in our family and tribe. It is a positive feedback loop because those who are better able to self-reward are more likely to survive and reproduce.

A problem arises when we discover short cuts to this brain reward system. We find out that we can get it in other ways. We can drink, take drugs, gamble, advance in video games, watch porn, etc. Nothing wrong in exploring these things but the problems start when these things are all we do. We're getting the reward that is designed for doing productive things for ourselves and others, without actually doing those things.

So we should understand that this built in brain reward chemical system is a tool. Just like a hammer is a tool. We can hammer nails and build housing for those in need or we can whack the guy next to us in the head. A gun is a tool, social media is a tool, money is a tool. We have to think about how we use tools. We have to have control over our use of tools, otherwise the tools will have control over us. We have to think about the best ways to use all our tools.

Or not. Just my thoughts. Others can have theirs. It's good to listen to many points of view in my opinion.

Have a nice day! :)

P.S. Regarding giving back, paying off social debt, my latest project on here is motivated by that.

I have been giving away a little HBD, HIVE, LOH or PEPE tokens.
