The Killer Dapp that will Propel HIVE into the Mainstream


Honestly, the Killer Dapp we need will be the one that gets Single Guys LAID.


That may sound crude BUTT you know it's true. If we create a DAPP thats getting losers LAID we will all become Multi Millionaires.

Now go get to Building that Killer DAPP.

Creating a game that get LOSERS LAID involves a combination of creativity, strategic planning, and effective marketing. Here are some steps you can follow to increase the chances of your game going viral:

  1. Understand Your Audience:

    • Identify LOSERS and understand their preferences, interests, and gaming habits. Tailor your game to to get them LAID
  2. Create a Unique Concept:

    • Develop a game with a unique and engaging concept. A novel idea can capture people's attention and make them more likely to share it with others. LIke getting LAID.
  3. User-Friendly Design:

    • Ensure your game has an intuitive and user-friendly design. Users should be able to understand and start playing the game without much effort.


  1. Add Social Elements:

    • Integrate social features into your game that encourage users to share their achievements, scores, or experiences with friends. This can help increase the game's visibility and increase LOSERS GETTING LAID.
  2. Leverage Trends:

    • Keep an eye on current trends and incorporate them into your game if possible. Trends can give your game a timely and relevant appeal. One major trend is LOSERS wanting to get LAID.
  3. Optimize for Mobile:

    • Consider developing your game for mobile platforms, as mobile games have a higher chance of going viral. Make sure the game is compatible with various devices and operating systems. The game should have a strong vibrate mode as well in order to stimulate losers in between getting LAID.
  4. Engage Influencers:

    • Reach out to gaming influencers and ask them to play and review your game. Influencers have the potential to expose your game to a LOSERS.


  1. Encourage Sharing:

    • Implement features that encourage players to share the game on social media platforms. This could be through incentives, rewards, or simply by making the sharing process seamless. Also encourafe the sharing of Girlfriends.
  2. Create a Buzz:

    • Generate anticipation and excitement around your game before its release. Use teasers, trailers, and other marketing tactics to create a buzz,and by BUZZ I mean vibrating Cell Phones.
  3. Feedback and Iteration:

    • Gather feedback from players and use it to improve the game. Iterative updates can keep players engaged and encourage them to share the updated version with others.
  4. Launch Timing:

    • Consider the timing of your game launch. Launching during holidays, special events, or when your target audience is most active can increase the chances of virality.
  5. Optimize for App Stores:

    • If your game is for mobile platforms, optimize it for app stores. Use relevant keywords and create an appealing app store listing to increase discoverability.


  1. Free-to-Play Model:
    • Consider adopting a free-to-play model with optional in-app purchases. This can attract a larger audience initially, and you can monetize through in-app purchases from engaged players. Get them Laid once for Free and then they will pay the rest of their lives.


Remember that creating a viral game involves an element of luck, and not all factors may be within your control. However, by focusing on user experience, engagement, and effective marketing, you can increase the likelihood of your game gaining traction.
