RE: When does watching harm become harm of not acting?


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Its tough to define it as government in this case. This is being done maybe by the outside government or people hired by the governments we elected without their knowledge. I dont think you can coordinate mobs of dirty people with this without being caught. Thats why I'm one of the only ones experiencing this or few saying this here. The domino's are falling if I'm still here. They will be caught soon if they dont work with the people they need to to get out of it.


The shadow government is real, I agree. Hopefully, ledger technology can prevent or rather help stop the funneling of resources to the people doing this stuff. Its all setup to make even speaking up about 9/11 make ya look like a crazy person as most people seems to have forgotten about it. You know i was given a video of the shooters in the crowd for the Vegas shooting. After posting it online i Got a lot harassment from black helicopters and other forms of electronic harassment from that. I can go on about other things. They have the means to pretty much Knock You Out with electronic weapons.

Cannabis helped a lot with certain things also coffee enemas with clearing out the liver bile duct of the aluminum/heavy metals that turn us into receivers of signals. Gotta get that copper back into your bodies...


I haven't experienced this but dont doubt. You dont know for sure until it happens to you. Headphones with music blocks the shocks for me.
