$TS Meme Projects Selling Cheap Lambo Hopium To Users


Meme projects with their unrealistic behavior most of them sell hope at a cheap price for value, I have being around in the crypto space to have experienced both the good and the ugly. So for those of us who are new to the crypto, Defi space here is a brief explanation of what a Meme coin or token is - A meme coin is a cryptocurrency term for popular currencies, sometimes depicted with comical or animated memes, that are supported by enthusiastic online traders and followers. While meme coins may be fun, they are also highly risky investments and may hold little or no intrinsic value.

So the Trait Sniper frenzy on twitter which started with the official twitter page of the project making a tweet of the time of the project launch brought a lot of attention and engagement to the platform. Since I have been in the Defi and crypto space qualifying for their drop was the easiest, as you just had to connect your twitter page and you get rate and an allocation of their token will be issued to you for claim according to your rating.

The project which was built on the Binance BNB blockchain with participants having ton of cash after the listing but not able to claim as they introduced per quota selling basis. Some users got over thousands of the project token at launch but are able to sell just 1% of the total issued tokens which from their white paper it’s said that the quota sell is going to be increased at every 24hour window. The current price of the $TS is < than a cent and there is really no way any claimed accounts can Lambo!. Well if you are interested in claiming comment below I will share link.

If you see this post on a Web2 ecosystem and you have no clue about what Leofinance is here is a brief definition;

LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows eusers and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

Over here we refer to users as lions, so are you ready to be a lion here is my referral link See leoglossary for the terms used within this post also don’t forget in contributing to the pHBD-USDC pool, and from statistics it looks like we will be able to archive the set target in a few months, let’s do our own part in h growing the pHBD-USDC liquidity and also take out time to participate in the Leo power up challenge which happens every 15th of each month.

Let’s also connect on some of the web2 platform.
