Axie infinity funny moments : Backdoor failed / 1350


So we are back guys for another in axie infinity funny moments, so its a good run today 10-10 in arena, and also the slp is going to dip but its okay axie infinity is a long term game and i know its possible to up this december because so many ppl to invest in this game and also axie infinity have many plan to become a good for daily game and event.


So i upload a video on Youtube i think this is the most insane failed I've ever seen lol. But i think he need to call a mentor i think. But for today i want to share this funny moment. On first round he using discard card but i already skip on the first coz i know doesn't have steal energy card. So on round 2 so i used sticky goo on my reptile coz i want to sustain my reptile, and to protect for the dark swoop. So i use disguise and veggie bite so i got 2 energy and steal also. And he used my opponent for disable for range. And for the next i think he didnt try to use dark swoop, so i use disguise and veggie bite so i gain 2 energy again. So for the next round he use 3 cards on bird but it very wrong coz i know he cant kill my reptile for 3 cards. So his plant is already because i use 2 cards on beast, 1 nethertoxin on reptile, and 2 damage card on my plant. So on the next round he used again a backdoor 2 cards dark swoop and 1 damage card. Its already failed again, then on my turn i used sticky goo and 1 kotaro bite 1 nethertoxin. So on the next round he use backdoor on aqua but i sacrifice my plant on that round. So didnt expect that i dont want to sustain my plant. So i gain energy again using kotaro bite and also 2 damage card on beast. So on the next he use 2 swift escape and 2 deep see gor to sustain the damage but its failed again so he try again to backdoor but its already because i got 2 cards my beast so aqua axie triggered the last stand he got 2 bars. So on the next round he try to use tail slap on that but his bird is already dead. If ever he use card on aqua. So on the next round he use 2 card on aqua to gain energy. But its failed gain coz i use damage and sustain card on my reptile. So i used 1 nethertoxin and 1 kotaro bite and 2 mysthic rush. But its already because i used sinister strike on my beast that's why i win on that battle.


I earn 160 slp today not bad today and also its a good run for me right now, i hope this december up slp to 6 or 7 pesos for a Christmas. Btw guys enjoy today and i hopr you have a good run in arena, see yah in next blog.

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Instagram : skizzynash
Youtube : jhonasanagon

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