A Burmese Famous Singers and Actor and song and Buying NFTs 3card Pack in Risingstar and Playing in Rising Star Game...!


Hello Blockchain Gaming Community.

I would like to share about Burmese singers and Actor and playing Rising Star Game.

Today, let me introduce you to a Myanmar teenage singer and actor. The singer started as a child actor and entered the art world. He participated in many films as a child actor. His name is EiSi Kway.

EiSi Kway has released a music album. Today, let me present the song "Allow me to speak" from EiSi Kway's many songs. This song was sung when I was a teenager. Now,acting as a leading actor. Let's listen to the song together.

The Lyrice of song is Allow me to speak.

I've been obsessed with you ever since I met you

A person who can attract so that the pulse does not skip a beat

Thinking about you until dawn

That's how I learned to love, kind person

Let me say I love you dearest

Allow me to hold your hand

Every dream you are an angel

I'm addicted because I'm caught, hey

I'm obsessed with super warm looks

I'm crazy for the slightest smile, my love

My little heart is beating for a moment

That's how I learned to love, kind person

Today I bought a 1pack with 3 cards of NFTs. I bought 1pack from hive enging for 10000 starbits. I opened the received pack. The information of the cards in the pack is as follows.

1.i205 Cabasa (Common)

2.i208 Cloud Acoustic (Common)

3.R481 Bandit GX (Rare)

Today, I finished 7 missions in Risingstar game.

NoNameComplete Mission
2Open Mic Night1
11Record A Demo1
12Local Festival Acoustic Tent1
14Band Auditions1
15Band Rehearsal1
21Record Signing1
27Piano Lesson1

Now I am playing Local Gig Circuit. The Mission is Local Mini Tour Support.

My game level is 121.
My Ego % is 0.
My Fans is 18278.
My luck is 4037.
My skill has 45160.
My IM has 349.
I owned totally card has 507 cards in.
My Total Missions are 4292.

So I sharing Total Mission below.

NoNameTotal Mission
1Illegal Busking249
2Open Mic Night362
3Mid Week Support203
4Licensed Busking23
5Midweek Headline Slot18
6Saturday Support14
7Saturday Headline86
8Radio Interview208
9Radio Studio Session160
10Shopping Mall Performance118
11Record A Demo35
12Local Festival Acoustic Tent114
13Local Mini Tour Support1063
14Band Auditions157
15Band Rehearsal202
16Egg Hunt3
17A Elfy Dose Of Christmas7
18Halloween 202337
19Make My Heart Race3
20Promote Fan Club41
21Record Signing98
22STARBITS Millionaire100
23Basic Singing Lesson361
24Guitar Lesson95
25Production Lesson164
26Orchestral Lesson48
27Piano Lesson112
28Drum Lesson157

Rising Star Game is my favorite PLAY-TO-EARN Blockchain Game.

see you next day.
