Fall is... Freezing

@ecency-support released a prompt a few days ago asking us to describe what Fall as a season is, and what it means to us.

Here's A Link To The Post If You'd Like To Get Involved.


Fall Is A Nice Time of Year

I enjoy fall, as far as seasons go, it's nice but it's bloody freezing at the same time. Picture this, you've been able to walk around in T-shirts and Shorts for months on end, and suddenly, all of the shorts, light shirts, and hoodies have to be put away for potentially 7-8 months, and they are replaced with heavy jackets.

Ireland in particular can get really cold and miserable, and even on days when it's not that cold outside, it's most likely raining.

While I love the rain, especially when inside a car, or when it's tapping against the skylight of my bedroom, it's not that great being out in it.

My bedroom is usually pretty warm, especially in the summer, but - since my radiator doesn't work in my room, it gets freezing cold. I have a small electric heater, but I have to choose wisely between spending extortionate amounts on electricity or heating up my room in the evening time. So, that's not very fun.

I Do Like Trees In Fall

I think trees look really nice in fall when they lose their leaves, and you can see all of the bends of the winding branches as well as the bird's nest both in use and abandoned.

Nature in Autumn is nice, and I love taking the opportunity to get out for walks - even in the lashings of rain. There are multiple great forests and places like that to go on hikes.

The Dark Days

When the clocks go back it can get pretty misreble, I don't like when it gets dark too early and around this time of year a lot of people can get really down due to the lack of sun. It's known as seasonal depression and I think it's a combination of the cold and terrible weather, and the lack of hours in the afternoon to get things done.

Going to college or work in darkness and returning home in darkness is pretty terrible, and I think that just adds to the down feeling people can get.

Christmas Is Good Though

I've always loved the Christmas season, and I do notice that for a few weeks leading up to it everyone seems overjoyed. It's a breath of fresh air if I'm honest, and I kind of wish everyone could feel this way all year round.

It's hard to describe, but it seems that in December everyone walks around with smiles on their faces and they're a lot more approachable than usual. I find myself stopping and having conversations with complete strangers out of nowhere in December, and it's just a funny month for that reason.

I'm especially looking forward to Christmas since the baby came along, and I think this time of year is much more appreciated by kids. He's going to have a good one this year and is almost the right age to enjoy it, but the coming years will be a lot better with each passing one, especially being able to go and visit Santa, or seeing him decorate the house with - most likely - hand made ornaments.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 181 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


Hmmm! This happens to be my greatest fear when I finally travel out of my country to another country where the cold is more severe than that of ours here. Take care of yourself please


It's getting dark around 5 pm and I still can't believe in it...)
