Balancing The Universe (Short Story)


Here's a small idea I came up with the other day, which I wanted to try and turn into a short story. Originally I was going to write it as a World Building post. But, I thought a short story might be a bit more entertaining.


       "I have gathered you all here for a matter of secrecy and great importance. What I am about to tell you does not leave this room, under pain of death." Rion Taklech said, maintaining a steady focus on each person before him. Their faces were plain, but some expressed worried looks.
       "Excuse me for saying so, but is it legal to execute people for revealing secrets?" Cory Croyle the leader of Fenis IV asked, smirking as they finished. The world of Fenis IV was relatively new in comparison to most other planets of The Confederation. Cory was younger than most of the others in the room and was considered by almost all of them to be a pain in the ass; most of the others openly referred to him as a dimwit without the sense to keep his mouth shut.
       "When it comes to matters of state and the well-being of our Confederation, yes, death is an acceptable answer to treason," Usinor Natush answered, her face twisting into a scowl as she spoke. After the last word fell from her lips she held a constant glare toward Cory, while maintaining a look that said her nostrils were filled with a horrific stench. She was the leader of Rakin, and maintained her rule with an iron fist. She was nicknamed Usinor the executioner by the citizens of Rakin, however, it was a funny little name only mentioned behind closed doors.

       "Thank you, Usinor. We all may be the most powerful people of our territory, but that does not mean we're above our obligations, or death for that matter." All were silent by the time Rion finished, all bar Cory who held an awkward grin.
       "I'm sorry, I was only joking." He excused himself.
       "This is no time for cracking wise." Rion's words were like a razor that landed on the throat of its intended target. "There has been much research done into a field of extreme importance to me. It has to do with positivity and negativity, and how the universe has a way of automatically balancing the two." As Rion finished speaking he noticed a few glimmers of confusion in the eyes and raised eyebrows of some members of the meeting.
       "I'm sorry. Have I missed something?" Cory asked, mouth open ajar, and eyebrows twisted. Rion noticed him look around the table at the others, and after a few moments even usinor seemed confused.
       "Balance? Universal balance," Usinor muttered to herself as she stared into thin air. She repeated the words as if hearing them spoken aloud multiple times might help her understand.

       Some of the other members of the meeting remained silent, obviously wanting to keep their opinions to themselves for fear of being called out. Rion saw those sorts of people as the worst Human beings the political class attracted. Small, quiet, sheepish, fearful, easily led, and downright cowardly in most respects.
       "Galen Streiger," Rion said. The muttering stopped suddenly as the old man's face dropped. His grey mustache trembled as he mouthed the word, "What?" His black shirt was already waning from the build-up of sweat. His eyes darted from the table to Rion's eyes.
       "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm afraid I don't follow." Galen responded in a small voice that was almost afraid to crawl between his lips. "I, I don't understand how the idea of balance, and matters of the universe requires a meeting of this nature."
       "It has everything to do with it because I thought of an idea that requires all leaders of The Confederation's consent, otherwise the plan wouldn't work. I've reviewed the numbers, and by my calculations, we have more than ten Billion people, spread between four of our main planets, and a further four Billion spread throughout all of our Colony worlds." Rion said calmly.

       Everyone at the table nodded in agreement to those numbers, Rion waited for someone to correct the calculation, but no one did.
       "I have also noticed that the standard of living has lowered for a lot of our citizens. There have been issues of social unrest throughout our territory, and I have thought of a way to alleviate these issues." Rion stood up, now in command of everyone's undivided attention. "What if we took the largest of our Colony worlds, and converted it, we can destroy or bury all of the buildings that are currently present, evacuate the entire population, and prepare it for some new inhabitants."
       "New inhabitants, what do you mean?" Usinor asked, scoffing at the end. "Why would we get rid of a Colony world, especially our largest? Uruk is one of the largest, and provides us much in the way of precious metals and vital material."

       "What we'll get from sacrificing it will be much more valuable than its current outputs." Rion put a stop to the questions. "I would like to wipe the slate clean, and then populate it with half of our entire population. By my calculations, if we make it an awful place to live, the universe could rebalance itself and automatically make the lives of every Confederation citizen better. Think about it, we could wipe their minds, and let them loose, they would have nothing and would most likely form small bands and tribes in their confused state. Generations later, they could form borders with individual cultures and languages so they would remain separated from one another. Then, we could introduce a currency for each state and ensure that the most evil and greedy among them horde it all. This world would be a living hell, where the rich treat it like their own personal playground, and everyone else just has to live with it, with no opportunity to question their reality."
       "It sounds like a nightmare. All those people, living in confusion. What would you call this horrible world?" Cory asked, his eyebrows scrunched together.
       "Earth," Rion said with a smirk. "It's one way we might be able to prove the science of the universe and the idea of good and bad, and the fact that there must always be balance between the two." He continued.

       "I like the idea," Usinor responded. "But, how would we choose who lives there?"
      "Easy. We'll take a
leaf out of the universe's book. Absolute chaos. Random draws." By the sounds of the silence in the room, Rion knew it was a unanimous agreement among all present members.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 173 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!




Well the mystery is finally solved!

Enjoyed it all the way through. 👏


AHAHAHAHA! What a twist! Yes, this feels like reality some days 😮‍💨 !LOLZ

I really liked how you built the scene here, you had me hanging on to each word when you dropped that bombshell. It's so cruel and manufactured, yet completely natural. Eeeek

Thanks for the awesome read !PIZZA


A very interesting story, @killerwot. The wry humor behind it and the statement about the current state of humanity is entertaining! Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well. Note that we ask everyone who posts in this community to read and comment on at least two other stories for each one published. Thank you!
