The Doctrine of Endless Hate


There are educational institutions affiliated with Islamic-based parties that always indoctrinate their students to hate people who have different opinions from them. The doctrine that is conveyed continuously makes students become harsh and extreme. They have an acute hatred of the government.

They think the government has committed a major sin and deserves to be brought down. During the current presidential election campaign, the opponents of the president they support are being made fun of.

I can't imagine if this generation will be big in the next 10 years. Extreme religious patterns are very dangerous for unity and integrity in the country of Pancasila.

And strangely the government seems to turn a blind eye to this reality. They give permission to provide education like this. The government should provide strong national standards in every educational institution.

The students really idolized the Hamas struggle figures rather than the Indonesian heroes who were willing to die for the glory of Indonesia.

This is a result of the history conveyed not being in accordance with actual history. There are also teachers who hide the history of the archipelago and introduce the history of the Islamic caliphate which has collapsed.

The teachers instruct students to revive the Khilafah and implement it in Indonesia. Students' thinking patterns are very narrow and they are prevented from getting out of the walls of small thinking.

I hope that victory in the February presidential election will go to the Nationalist group, if they win over radical Islam it will be very dangerous for the survival of the Republic of Indonesia. Their attitude is anti-criticism and anti-difference. They do not hesitate to use force to silence these differences even though they currently feel the weakest.

For all dear readers, continue to enroll your sons and daughters who teach nationality even though it is a religious school. Otherwise, your sons will leave school carrying radical thoughts.
