Why You Let Your Mindset Be Controlled By Content Creators

These days content creators win because they can control public by their contents. They force their personal opinion to their viewers. This is an irony. Social media have become strong tool to campaign both good and bad missions.

If you watch youtube, tiktok and other video platforms, you will see some content creators put their personal opinion in their contents either directly or secretly.

The content creators opinion will be believed as the truth to their audiences. Then the public opinion will be formed. When there is a new fact about things that public has believed, most people will reject. People's mindset has been frozen. There will be resistance to the truth.

This tendency actually needs to be combated by educating the public. People should verify contents if it is true or not. They should have their own filter to the current issues. They do not have to judge quickly to a recent problem.

Beside that, people should also watch or read opinions from content creators who are contra. From there, they can draw the right conclusions on hot issues and not fall into a partisan mindset.


In Indonesia, the Palestinian issue has become a hot topic. There are a lot of groups of communities that judge people who have different views about Palestine are considered as hypocritical, anti-Islam and pro-Israel. Pro-Israel means pro to the colonialism. This behaviour is a closed attitude. People who pro to Hamas will not accept the fact that Hamas also commits war crimes.

Judge proportionally

Seeing something as a whole will provide a complete understanding as well. Giving opinion after seeing the all facts will make the conversation more rational and less emotional. Hopefully we will become individuals who are not easily influenced by contents that only present facts from one direction.
