Bloody Sunday as the flag burns


Fitting that today as the leaves of the tree start to break their buds...the country of canada has fallen to the levels we have allowed it to slip. Freedoms are piling up as they are being sent to the chipper…


It is as thought we have seen this story before and let the horse through that door, and enjoyed the show as they mowed us down wide awake, not even asleep.


Welcomed in with open arms, we welcomed what came on the backs of the people


As we stood by and did the minimum that could have been done....

asking for forgives when things were not victorious or won...


Is what people would say, they would want anyone that was not themselves....anyone would do...anyone but them taking their own life in their hands....

and any shot would doo long as they were told to….


The blind trust in the factious form of government that only restricts your minds...blind belief as you dragged us along to the poverty you say you enjoy.


For you could not think of anything and would not listen to the reality of the truth that history has slapped into your face for many years.

Even when people makes jokes to get you to could not even laugh for you likely knew nothing of what was said....or worse feared that hearing and learning the truth would implicate your actions belief and ways of life too. It would mean you had to change to get rid of this system you say will save you.


but that is the way many want to live in, ignorant slobs, hardened to freedom, crushing all that want a semblance of life not be ruled over....who am i to stop them....


Perhaps you like it this way.....


Any master would do you just need to be told what to do....


That’s all for now...come back again.
The bonus are below....


This apparently is normal...

They are happy this way i suppose.


This is already coming down the pipe in canada


That is not all, but that is it for here, today, and there is more to come so tip as you take and have all that is here, do not fake a thought your mind, that you might not want more then you can handle this time. It is yours, if you use it, and it is more if you share it to those that might not mind a bend in their minds.
