First Blood has been shed in Canada Feb 18, 2022 - a day that tarnished Canada.


The first blood has been trampled out of a woman with a walker under the hoofs of the tin pot Tyrannical TurdWater, who has given orders to stop the peacefully protest at any and all means.
I feel sick to see my country having gone so far from care and concern, to murder for hire, bluntly in the open.

The pictures below of those of death and will live in infamy for those who care…



The above two images were taken Feb 18 2022 in Ottawa Ontario during a peacefully protest, dubbed the Freedom Convoy.

Here are some meme, i would like to say Inspired by these photos but are actually DIS- pired from those images.
The best way to reduce healthcare cost is to get rid of those that require healthcare....trample them to death by way of horses, a body bag is cheaper then extended medical care.

When the government controls your health, there is no stomping what they will do for the benefit of the coffers.

There is a new ride, beside the bouncy castles and hay climb for kids...called the Turdwaters face stomp...if you avoid getting arrested or trampled to death, you might just get your freedom back....nope, no freedom for you, the socialist agendas will go on for the ride is not free and they will make you pay the ultimate price.


It is a good thing you left those countries that respect protests and came here to the land of multiculturalism, accepting of people views and cultures.

They should be called horse dates when you get your face stepped on for being a part of a protest.

How did we slip so far away from caring for each other...oh right it is in the minds of people who only care about themselves. The long game is now short, the time that you are allowed to do is no longer a thing. Canada has fallen because the people let it fall. They individually fell and now this is the direct results.

They should just rename the country to Chainada, to represent how they act on their people....harvesting body parts is coming to a Socialist health care center near you...when every they feel like it. Oh and they will Kill your pets of they say so. Take your children and freeze you bank accounts….wit they already did that if you have views that the government does not accept.
Good things we have free (paid for by tax dollars from the peoples life) hospitals here in Chinada. Those hoofs are expensive after they crush your face and destroy everything that is sacred in society.

When you let another dictate your health, this is what you get.

I have been living away from all this shit for years. Now it is here, the efforts that i have put in the sacrifices i have made have amounted to a dictator government that is crushing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The legal basis of a free and democratic country.

If you have made it this far perhaps you should have some more meme:




Talking out of both side of his mouth....
And here is a good example of that....

The issue remains, You are the problem, the beliefs you hold, the reasoning you have, are the things that have happened to make what we now see as the results of such thoughts. I am just as much to blame so do not take offence at what I say…. The actions you have taken are the issue with that is happening.
So do not look to me to use your mind for what you may want.

Noting is mine, only my mind, nothings is your unless you have thought about it. If you have read and understood what I have said, then it is yours, go forward and make use of it, if you want. Do not expect dollars for noting, even leached suck their rewards.
Sources are gone and forgotten, just like the reason you keep on with that you want to do for the sake of your own desires.....


At least you guys can speak out... With way more humility than folks in the states do.


Why cant you speak out in the States?


You can... but most of the populace is submissive to the state.


Two years ago I told some blind sleeping people that this was a communist takeover. They looked at me like I should be in a straight jacket. I wonder what they think now. There are so many people that won't shut off the television propaganda box. There are so many that cheer the evil ones. There are so many that welcome the idea of having an implant in their brain. They love the technology. As long as they fall for the on going agenda, there's nothing we can do. There is no more law in the world. Not just Chinada. Well we can unplug from the system and run. It's not so easy.


Tis my fear as well, that the masses want this and are happy for it. They hear the TV and take the same narrative all too often. They do not want to use their eyes to see or ears to hear, they just want it to be easy and happy as they sit and pleasure themselves all day after they work. They are tired and weak and want nothing but pleasure.
But there is hope, be the example you want to see, Wait till the masses get Aids and drop away, only the unshot will survive perhaps.
Yes this is happening all over the world but in varying degrees. The tv is a large part, so perhaps somewhere where that is not a things....


Sure they will see the truth eventually when it's too late, but they're taking "us" down with them. Yes we have to be the example we want to see. What else can we do really? It doesn't mean that I'm not terrified. We know that the WEF is a real threat and after seeing the judge in the house of commons derail the question, asked about the cabinet having been infiltrated by WEF members, we can be sure that most of them are in it together.


The politicians look scared as if the gun is pointed to them off screen. There is some big leverage on them that they fear, is what i see, hence there constant push to do what they are told to do.
Yes scary times are here, perhaps it is time to leave. Perhaps it is time to stop funding those that are destroying the country and let it fall. Let those that want socialism to have it in full, and then when they cannot take it anymore they will fight. When the find out they have been injected with Aids, there is probably only ten years for them to fight. When people lose everything, they do not mind fighting for what they could have had.
Stay strong, if there is anything I can do to help, let me know.
