RE: My Chaos Legion Plans


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So... the bonuses are only for a single transaction... when you plug in "100" in the booster pack purchase screen, it'll say "$400 plus 10 bonus packs" in the payment part of the screen. It's not cumulative at all.

In past presales sometimes the Splinterlands team considered total purchases but I wouldn't count on this for CL presale. Regular sales are always as you describe above.

$10k?!?!? That's amazing! There's absolutely no way my partner would agree to that kind of investment, which is totally fair enough, especially since we're putting everything we can to paying our place off. I'm a little jealous but mostly really excited that you'll be able to do that. It's all sorts of amazing and I really hope for all of us that it massively works out for you.

The $10K would of been from crypto currencies I have earned mostly (directly or indirectly) from Splinterlands so my little Miss would know nothing about it (muahahahha).

More importantly than all of that, Congrats on being on your way to paying off your own place. Owning ones own place is a great feeling to experience once accomplished. I look forward to reading your, "I Now Own My Own Home Post" :)


Hahahaha, this made me laugh out loud. It's got to be the smartest evil laugh out there.

Thanks! I really do think that living rent-free or mortgage-free is such a huge step towards financial independence... so I'm very focused on getting to that point... and will definitely write a celebratory post.
