I am alive challenge Day -187


Today is Monday 18th April 16 Ramadan Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem All Praises Great Allah Ta'ala Assalamu Alaikum Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu How are you all I hope you are very good in the infinite mercy of the great Lord Almighty To the great Lord Almighty who has kept me and you still alive in this world, Alhamdulillah.
Summer is in full swing and Ramadan is in full swing.





You need plenty of water to get some peace of mind in this hot summer. Drinking this water is good for our health just like it brings peace to our body and for this you need to eat watermelon because watermelon contains 90. Percent water.
Since watermelons are available in large quantities in the summer market now many people will say as they are available but we are hesitant to buy watermelons.
This is a very important thing. When you go to buy watermelon, you will take watermelon in your hand. If you see that your face is very heavy, then you will understand that it is still raw. Then you will see some watermelon boards. Some of the dried watermelon boards are still ripe. The ripe watermelon is a beacon of hope. Many people can buy watermelon from the market and drink it because watermelon contains a lot of vitamin C, vitamin, potassium which are very beneficial for our health and calm our body in this heat. I think the role of watermelon in bringing it back is immense.
Since everyone worships more and more in the month of Ramadan because you can leave this world at any moment. I am talking to you now. Five minutes later, maybe I will not be in this world. I have removed my name from today but we are making a big mistake. Everyone will try to pray more and more and I will pray to Allah so that Allah will give them the gift of performing more and more supererogatory prayers. You will all pray for me so that I wish you all the best. I wish you all the best.
I am taking part in the #IAmAliveChallenge. The 4 basic points to take part in the #IAmAliveChallenge are


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