I am alive challenge Day 230


Today is Wednesday 17th of August 2022 Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim All praises to Almighty Allah Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu how are you all I hope by the infinite mercy of the Almighty God you are all very well I am also very well with your prayers and the infinite mercy of God Almighty Alhamdulillah.
Thank you to the great Rabbul Alamin who still keeps us healthy and alive in this world. Just think about it. You are many people from my life or your life but gone. Gone but we are still alive in this world so we should thank Allah.


The most important thing is that happiness and sadness will come in our life, especially every day is not the same, and every night is not the same. Happiness and sadness come in our life, so will we ever break ourselves? If sadness comes in your life, handle yourself. Try to live in a new way, you will see that life will be very beautiful.


From my side if you consider that every day there are some problems in my life but after that I manage everything and try to present myself beautifully in front of everyone. It seems that Allah has given me many things.
Every day I get ignored by everyone. Every day I hear something from everyone. Since I came online, many people have talked to me.
I love to listen to what he said without replying because maybe today I am listening to him, maybe one day I will be able to tell him, maybe I won't be able to tell my father, maybe one day I will be successful, if my God wants, I am trying. You will also be with me. Please help me, maybe with your help I can go a long way.



Wishing everyone to be well and healthy, I bid farewell here today. Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
I am taking part in the #IAmAliveChallenge. The 4 basic points to take part in the #IAmAliveChallenge are


For more information please refer to their guide at

