I am alive challenge Day -231


Today is Thursday 18th of August 2022 Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim All praises to the Almighty Allah, Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu how are you all I hope by the infinite mercy of the Almighty Rabbul Alamin you are all very well I am also in your prayers and by the infinite mercy of the Almighty Rabbul Alamin Alhamdulillah a lot I am fine, thanks to the great Rabbul Alamin who put me and you in this world, Shokar Alhamdulillah thanks to Willyab admin who launched such a beautiful site for us.




I woke up from this morning, after that I helped a little in cooking with my mother, then I did some work. It is very uncomfortable to work in the hot weather. I went to the market yesterday to do some shopping. Money is a very bad situation in Bangladesh at present, one egg is 60 taka, so how will those who earn 300 taka and 400 taka a day manage their family, those who eat day by day will manage their family.
I was very surprised when I heard about the price of goods in the market yesterday, I went to do some shopping, but after buying only three to four things, I had no more money. No one else knows.
Many things happen in our life but the problems that we are facing at the present time why these problems are coming in our life and those who are poor family people who are middle class, how will they manage their family, how will we continue anyway we thank Allah Taala as He has kept it Alhamdulillah.
Seemingly the month of August is passing away from us, slowly one day is passing from our life but we are not showing loyalty to Allah, what a beautiful world Allah has created for us, the moon has given the sun, the light has given the wind. Gave rain Gave various kinds of food,
Again, He has helped us in our jibba to enjoy the same food, He has given us the jibba to understand the taste of any food, then even after we get so much, we do not show obedience to Allah Ta'ala and walk, it is not right for us to do it at all.
We all should express our loyalty to Allah Taala by thanking Allah Taala for what Allah Taala has given us. Wishing everyone to be well in the court of Allah Taala and stay healthy. Like today, I bid farewell here.
I am taking part in the #IAmAliveChallenge. The 4 basic points to take part in the #IAmAliveChallenge are


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