Can I crank out 500 words to round my morning off?


Well, this morning has been productive for sloth, not so much for my puppy, he's sitting cross-legged waiting to go out (For the 4th time this morning, before you all scream animal cruelty!!)

Today, I've managed to do my socials round-up, post a photo for the day and even throw out a! Plus some self care AND housework! Definitely a step in the right direction, the only thing missing is some quality long-form content, so 500 words for the day is getting hit hard!

Grammarly is great, except when it makes me join words with -, doesn't it know I'm trying to increase my word count, not lessen it!

I think we'll use this post to be a little more creative and maybe even share some #memes!


Yesterday was quite a creative day in itself! I was attempting to help one of the awesome Hive community make their Streams look a little fresher, it's a work in progress, I'm not a designer, but I'm willing to give it a go!

What do you think of my first attempt?

Purple Pink Orange Arcade Pixel Just Chatting Twitch Stream Overlay.gif

Bog standard basic...then I decided to put a little more effort in and try to style it more towards the artist! Even creating a "custom" Logo.

Still, a work in progress, and the artist is free to seek work from elsewhere, I extended the point that I was doing this for fun, for my own development and she had no obligation to like or use any of my work! Nor have I charged for the service, it's something I'd like to develop a little more...

Purple Pink Orange Arcade Pixel Just Chatting Twitch Stream Overlay (3).gif

In between making content for Sloth (this account) plus Sloth.Buzz, and curating, then I have CryptoRadio.FM to manage, Discord, Telegram and other socials...Just for the Sloth side. I also play a few games and work for a couple of gaming companies, the work never ends!

After helping Raven, I bumped into "Kronik Radio" Creator, GanjaGrrl in the Alliance/Pimps Discord! Hopefully there is some potential for some collaboration between IHeartKronikRadio and CryptoRadio.FM in the future! And, since I was being creative yesterday, I threw together some quick gifs for Kronik Radio also! (Congrats on getting it streaming in your discord channel, I'll need to work out how you mastered it!)

best gaming (1).gif

Well, after all the fun creating for others, I thought I better throw something together for! It's supposed to be my main focus after all! "Sloth.Buzz" Supporting Small Streamers and Creators! Feel free to use the #slothbuzz on posts you feel fit, your creative content, art, music or Crypto/Gaming.

best gaming (3).gif

Whilst I was at it, decided to throw a little something together for CryptoRadio FM also, I'll need to spend a little more time on future editions, but I'm pretty happy with the basic gifs I can create!

Maybe one day I will even offer some of the other communities on hive some Gifs/ Art! Pizza? Bros? PIMPs? Cartel? Who needs gifs!!!

best gaming (5).gif

Well, lets round this off with a meme, gotta grab those meme tokens!!


And a little something for the Photo communities! Check out my Photo of the Day post!


Happy Weekend everyone, 500 words done, sloth OUT!



PS. You will earn more ALIVE tokens if you add #AliveAndThriving too as we have a curation project looking for that tag with the largest ALIVE stake in the tribe behind it.

  • The 4 points of #AliveAndThriving, the first point is mandatory, then add one or more of the rest, share your journey to thrive in life.

Made in Canva
