RE: Silver gaming token from The Venetian, Las Vegas / Re-blog lottery for a chance to win 3 HSBI!

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I'm so sorry about that, what a shit show! I hope you recover.. make sure to take lots of vitamins if you're not already doing so. I've read they can work magic and we started to take high doses of vit c, d and zinc as well during pandemic, in summer I stop until fall comes (now) and then I start taking them again.. It's no cure for a blood cloth but maybe something to explore to give the immune system a boost it may need..

I've been better, not every day, but there are better days ... tomorrow trauma doc so I'm hoping to have physical therapy soon. But we'll see what he says. Sounds logic to me to at least prescribe me that.

Take care!



I'm all over those! I hope to make a full recovery! Right now I am just so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all of the time... very frustrating...

I'm glad you're having some better days, I hope the doc give you some good news and physical therapy referral. Let's cross our fingers!

You take care too, you've got a lot to keep you busy right now!



Good! My boyfriend reminded me about a video on Twitter about a doc who said how to heal completely from these blood cloth problems and tried to find it back for me in our chats. So far we haven't found it but when we do, I will send it to you. Are you on discord btw?

I can imagine you feel that way, I can relate even with different issues, I'm like f this, problem after problem. I want to fix it but it's hard some days to even do anything. You know the feeling..

I'm off to the doc now so let's see what happens.

Take care



I've gone through all the resources I can find, I'm a currently disabled physician myself. I've talked with folks at Mayo and Cleveland Clinics, they all same time will tell... Having patience sucks... I'm not currently using discord much since it's not logged into this account and they want to verify using an old phone number I no longer had... long story. PeadD does have secure DM now which is an option.

Let me know how it goes at the doc today, good luck!
