Christmas Carol Moment Is Here | Had A Wonderful Day


Christmas season is really fast approaching, it still make we wonder when we even celebrate new year, at times it seems like everything happened so fast and at times it seems like it was a long journey, went to visit my brother in his school since last week and I just decided to stay there for a while, it was actually an interesting moment because this place look like small london, no one to disturb, no noise and 24/7 light since the school have their own personal light (Gen or something). I always feel like staying here forever or if there is a chance to just rent an apartment within the school but all is just an imagination except I decide to seek admission or work as a staff.

They had their christmas carol today and my bro invited me since he is part of the orchestral and he has been single solfege note up and down the house because he also play trumpet, at least I can rest now (already asleep since he is tired). I just had to attend the carol because I was skeptical about it at first since I thought it will be like all this carol I do attend but I was wowed, when I saw the arrangement of the chorister, the light and all, I had to sit and listen to those melodious voices. To be Honest, I fell in love with those voices.

They also act some drama also which was great, couldn't take pictures because I'm somehow shy to even bring out my phones when everyone keep carrying tablet up and down since they don't allow them to use phones (School rules) since it is a private university. With what I saw today, I might be extending my stay just to see more of their programs
