Ijogbon (Movie Review) | The Evil That Comes With Unclean Wealth




The Nolloywood made another movie again that is soul touching and speak a lot about things actually going on around us and about this popular adage that says Money breaks friendship faster than how it built it, I do hear about it since my childhood days and I have read stories, watch movies and see how friends and family quickly turn against each other whenever money is involved, no wonder the bible said money is the root of all evil, you don't know what evil someone is capable of doing until money is really involved, it always baffles me when I see such happen, how family quickly turned against each other especially when someone rich in the family suddenly die without leaving any will that state how to share the property, family can turn and even kill each other just to gain such wealth alone to themselves.

I saw this movie titled Ijogbon which I downloaded on telegram, it all started when 2 men where chasing another man which seem like he stole something tangible from them, they chased in into a forest, but along the line, the man was able to hide the small bag he carried before he got killed and after a while a group of friend (4 teenagers) in a village came across the bag while tracing a tyre track and when they check what was in the bag, they saw some uncut diamond pieces in the bag, even though they know what it was, they had no idea of its worth or market prices, they were happy and scared at the same time because they had no idea who owns it and they can't flaunt it because they are from a very poor family and they don't want people to know about their new discovery. They decided to meet one local chief to sell 4 pieces to him first of all and that one prices it the way he link until he gave them 500k each for 1 diamond, this children were really happy and decided to go on spending spree.

Even though 2 out of the 4 have some plans for the future, there is one that motivate them on this spending spree lifestyle which was not a good one, they brought lot of expensive things and even phones they can't boldly show out to people and they had to keep everything hidden to avoid suspicion. The beginning of their nightmare started when the real owner came looking for the diamond and they were dangerous men, they first of all lied they came to build an agriculture factory in the town and along the way they were able to find out who is holding the diamond when they saw the youngest of the teen with an expensive iphone showing up to the village girls, so they kidnap him and start threatening the remaining 3 to bring the diamond or they will kill him.


Things really get messy along the way because the local diamond buyers was also interested in stealing those diamond so he secretly send someone to trace the boys, apparently the people he sent, stole the diamond too and almost ran away but was killed. What make the movie more interesting was how the 4 teenagers went through some suffering they would have avoid in the first place but at some point they were really wise to find ways to safe the one that got kidnapped but the odd wasn't in their favour until the very end. What baffles me was when I saw their solid friendship turn sour all because of the new found wealth and they had to fight over everything and almost killing each other at the end until the girl in their midst told them the diamond was a curse in the first place because lot of people lost their life due to their greediness and the fact that they turned against each other and she angrily throw the diamonds inside the river and also walk away.

Actually when she throw the diamond away, I screamed not because of how they turned against each other but because of the plans they had to better their future (that is if they never turned against each other in the first place or argue about everything) but with what they pass through and the secret they had to keep for life, they should at least use it for something good but at the end I later realised, throwing those gems away is really necessary or else they might end up killing each other when that greediness set in.


Unclean wealth will always come with evil


When did they make this film...

Cause I have to ask..

Them still dey throw diamond inside river?😂😂. For this economy?

Please ooo😂😂😂

...money is the root for all evil.

If it's like that, me I want the whole tree, please give me the grove 😭😭😂😂

Seems like a standard Nigerian movie about values and don't be a stingy person and stuff😂😂

Although it looks fun to watch..
Despite me not a particular watcher of Nollywood


When I saw that’s part that she threw tha diamond into the river

My dear, you better turn to fish and find those diamond 💎. Well, if they can’t handle small wealth that could help them become great in life, then they don’t need the wealth in the first place and they don’t have their priorities right


What an ending, I expected more after everything you explained that they went through.

It sounds like an interesting one and money is never the root of evil, we humans allow greed to take over us when wealth comes into the picture.
