My Worst Cooking Moment | Made Sauce With No Salt & Seasoning




This night post might be a short one but I just had to share it tonight, Yesterday was one of the funniest moment since the day I started cooking for myself and others, anytime I remember the incident or tell someone, we both laugh about because such never happened before. So Yesterday evening, we were all hungry at home and I decided to make something for the whole house as usual and we already decide we will be eating rice and pepper sauce so I had to visit the market just to get the necessary things we will need and we have rice at home already.

So I brought pepper and tomato, onions, smoke fish, eggs and kpomo, then I came home to start preparing, boiled the rice and egg, blended the pepper and wash the smoked fish and kpomo but while doing that, I was moving from the kitchen to the bedroom because I was doing some stuff on my pc, trying to multi tasks 😂. I never knowing multi tasking at that points will land me into hot soup and mockery. While making the sauces, all I could remember was I pour the blended pepper into the oil, add the fish and kpomo and went into the room to focus on what I was doing on my pc. Within few minutes, the sauce was done already, what surprised me the most was that I never make any attempt to even task the sauce first, the I'm done look made me serve everyone the food and after serving myself, my roomie who already took two spoon ask me the first question.

Is there Salt in this food? I was like, yes, I had salt to the rice, is it too much or it is not enough was my reply, then the lady in the room was giving me some funny looking, I couldn't figure out what is going on because I have not tasted the food, he was like the soup has no taste especially when he try the kpomo, I was surprised and I had to taste my food, then reality struck me, I remembered I ran into the room and forgot to add maggi and salt to the sauce. Like I actually imagined I already add it before adding the fish and now the did is done already, I already serve them and there is no way to take the sauce back and recook it, I apologize and jokingly ask them to add small salt and maggi to their food so everything can mixed together just like I do see the mixture in some bollywood movies.

Even though it was a one time mistake, it turned to the most used statement since then especially when I try to prepare something else this morning and the funniest part was that we all ate it like that and it wasn't bad, it really taste nice but not that sweet and I might cook it another time just to have that kind of feeling again but this time around, I will make sure I'm the only one available to eat it so I won't be hearing another stories that will make my Groom price to reduce.
