When DIY Dreams Turn Into Disasters


Just reflecting on the phrase "Had I know" I won't have done it scenario, that is how I lost this important stuff that I really need to continue my game play, yes I finally had to say bye bye to my game pad in this hard times when the price of stuff are really choking and unbearable. It is now 3years since I brought my ps4 and it was really new back in the days with 2 pad, it was an exciting moment because I'm always indoor 90% either surfing the net or playing games so that prompt me to get my own console. I do play with my friends since they are worthy opponent when it come to pes and after a long while the pad started malfunctioning due to continuous pressing, at first the keys were seizing or becoming hard then all of a sudden both pad stop working.

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I was confused at first because I do play games outside and I never notice their pad getting spoilt but maybe that is why they have many pads in their store, I had to find out where I fix the two pad since back then the price of pad was around 11-12k and getting a new one is somehow costly to me, after a long search, I got someone to fix it and the person charge me almost half of the new pad price which is absurd but he was able to fix just only 1 and totally condemn the second pad, I was left with no option to get a new one because playing alone isn't fun. I know how many days I had to sacrifice just to get the new pad and everything went smoothly till some months later when both developed fault again, I even thought maybe village force are acting on them because I don't understand why they will spoilt together when they aren't twins functioning together, the thought of giving someone to fix and they person will charge me high fee was somehow not making me think straight so I just decided to fix it myself even when I don't know what to do.

As usual I search lot of random things online about how to fix ps4 pad then I went to a friend house to ask if he had the require tools to loose pad screw, he did and I get to work like the imaginary pro I thought I was after watching some tutorials. I was able to unscrew it and while trying to open it because it was tightly fixed, I heard one awful sound that gave me this bad feeling that I just did something bad, I still open it though and guess what I cut the white wire inside the pad and I think that is the flex and just the flex alone is like 8$ on amazon, I had to open the remaining pad as gently as I could so that I won't spoil anything else in it.

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I figured out the pad battery has swollen and weak, which is the reason why they stop working and also one of the pad charging port detached from the port, I had to call someone since fixing it beyond my power with the hope that I already spoilt 1 pad myself, so at least if I can get two fixed and working it will cover the loss. Now they told me they don't sell game pad battery, the only option they gave me is to get a new pad which is now 16000 naira ( 13$), I was just laughing within me because I know during this period, I cant sacrifice my food money to get 1 pad at such price talkless of 2-3 pad. I had to just manage my mobile games for now and allow my console rest for now till I can figure out what to do next or maybe source for funds.

This is my entry to day 7 May inleo prompt, to pariticipate you can read the announcement post here

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You laughing within you was just so funny
Indeed, don’t sacrifice any food money for game
Manage those mobile games for now😂


lol sure, food first before anything for now, the game should rest for now, but the reply was really fast o, are you sleeping and waking up on hive now 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣next time I’ll just pass


now you've destroyed the whole thing!!!


lol yes o, maybe I will just remove the useful part and turn it to something else


Hahahaha! I can so relate, I could never repair one of those, after disassembling them they were worse.


Food is more important, lol.
It's always better to seek out an expert, or better leave it until you have enough money for repair.

It must have been very frustrating, sorry.
