When I Got Cheated | The Pain Within

We all have our shares at some point in life when we got cheated on, when someone play on our intelligence or think we are just mumu that wont be able to do anything to them and this kind of act always get to us specially when we are at our lowest moment. I remembered when I got cheated on while I was in school and I had to invest my money which I was saving up to pay my school fees in a forex based business, that time I was really new to the crypto and finance world, I was just trying to keep my feet deep in it so I really didn't know much about some certain things. We had group back then where we have various crypto users where we discuss various opportunity and all even though we rarely knew each other.



so this very day, a lady brought up this trading opportunity, after telling us a member who happens to be her bf is a forex trader and if we will love to invest and earn our capital and interest back in a month and also we can re-invest. The opportunity was really worth it to me since I only have around 70k saved and I need around 120k then, I message the lady and we talked for a while and after all the assurance, I contacted the guy because he was in the group too, we talked and made some agreement since I really open on to him on when and what I need the money for, omo I should have know when he started promising me and asking for my trust and all, but at that time, I was desperate since my school fee wasn't complete and I had to plan how to get it before the deadline time will set in. I invested and was praying within me it should go well, first month passed and I decided to reinvest instead of backing out. when it was second month and time for me to withdraw and what I feared the most set in.

The guy I have been chatting with for month just to know the progress of my investment, changed all of a sudden, he rarely reply me and if he do, he will cook up different kind of stories for me, it was as if he wrote the lies somewhere and knew exactly what to feed me with. When I couldn't take it anymore, I message the girl who introduced him in the first place and she ghosted me, omo I couldn't cry because it look like that is the end, who will I even explain or cry to, getting another money isn't easy since they don't pluck money's on tree. I had to find a way just to meet up with the deadline, I opened up to a friend who loaned me the money and I had to repay back in bit by bit for months but I learnt a lot from that experience, not to invest in things I won't be doing on my own or even trust someone in any kind of investment I had little knowledge on.


Big time mess. But it's a good now bro. Never to be cut off guard again. Nice write up..


It's saddening seeing how bad things has turned and how people cheat one another without any conscience.

Sorry about how you're played by that lady and the guy and having to struggle to pay the loan you took.
One just need to be extra careful.


Too bad that you invested your school fees and was manipulated. I've been in similar situation which I also shared, and I learned never to be desperate in making financial deals.
