Decisive battle between Conqueror Jacek and Lily Shieldpaw


Good day everyone and Splinterlands community. One of today's blogs is sharing my battle experience the battle between Conqueror Jacek and Lily Shieldpaw both Legendary. I found it interesting because of the certain rules set and the strong cards the opponent displays.
The rule sets determine the units you will use for every team, and you may further refine your guesses about potential units and summoners by reviewing the opponent's past performance.


Two Legendary Summoners

Conqueror Jacek

  • Has the ability of Piercing and Scattershot with giving buff of +2 speed.
    • He is an extremely powerful and useful summoner who can use blast, sneak, or opportunity monsters to develop a variety of tactics. Additionally, this summoner packs a lot of speed units. I usually combine it with Supply Runner and Countess Sinash. This is what I would put in when I planned to pick between damage and speed.

Lily Shieldpaw

  • Has Triage and Camouflage with debuffing -1 health to enemy team units.
    • This summoner is greatly strong and useful on certain rule sets, allowing her to combine thorns, tank heal, and retaliation monsters to construct a variety of strategies. Although they appear attractive, red pandas are powerful animals. With the aid of Triage, I may utilize this summoner to heal my back, especially if it has been taunted for the majority of the battle.


Link of the Battle:


The rule set given is Aimless with Life, Fire, and Dragon elements that are active. I am using Conqueror Jacek as I plan to dominate this battle by speed difference and as you can see I also use Ferox Defender because I assume that time the opponent will try to pick range attack units. So at least I have extra Armor with this Protect Ability of Ferox Defender.

My Plan Line up

First position - Grum Flameblade
  • Act as a tank in the First Position and a good choice to act as a tank if the opponent uses Magic.
Second position - Ferox Defender
  • A Second position for adding extra Armor to my team with Protect Ability and can also act as a tank after Defeating my Grum Flameblade.
Third position - Lava Launcher
  • A 5 range damage which is the main range damage of my team and a third position because it has Close Range ability making it a good choice to put.
Fourth position - Djinn Inferni
  • A 5 magic damage which is my main magic damage of my team and also hs stun and giant-killing abilities.
Fifth position - Supply Runner
  • Additional damage and adds more support in speed and strengthh to my team.
Last position - Countess Sinash
  • My additional Main damage with 4 Range damage with Blast ability making it a good combo with Conqueror Jacek summoner and with Supply Runner.

Selecting a useful ability in this battle with a good amount of damage will increase your chances of victory in this type of rule set.

Am I gonna lose this battle?

As I saw the lineup of the opponent I a 100% gonna lose this time because of the presence of Mantaroth, Tinder Lock, Torch Vizier, Chaos Dragon, and Ash Mirage which is all pretty strong compared to mine. But hey😅 I managed to surpass the opponent by speed😂.


The funny part and interesting about this is that my Djinn Inferni, Supply Runner, Countess Sinash was able to target the Ash Mirage making my Range damage back in Action🤣, and the second my team unit target is Mantaroth. And that's not all, my Djinn Inferni attacked the opponent Tinderlock that made it easily executed😆. And the rest is easy because the enemy Chaos dragon didn't much help in that battle. And if you guess that I win then you are right.

With the Aimless rule set, there will be a 50/50 percent winning, sometimes I like this rule set in a certain rule set combined and sometimes I hate this because RNG(Random Number Generator) attacks whatever it chooses😅.


MEME of the day


Hope this made your day thank you!!😁

If you would want to use Water Line up, please read over some of my blogs; they could be useful. 😊


Thank You! for being here, coming this far, and supporting me. I hope this will help you in some of your battles.🤗
You can share thoughts and ideas about what could be possible to use in this rule set.

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MEME photo edited Three-Headed Dragon | Know Your Meme
