Plagiarism for dummies

Dear HiveansLiebe HiverQueridos Hiveanos
Today just a short follow-up on this downvote rampage of @hivewatchers and @adm (more).Heute nur ein kurzes Follow-up zum Downvote-Amoklauf von @hivewatchers und @adm (mehr).Hoy sólo un breve seguimiento de este alboroto downvote de @hivewatchers y @adm (more).
What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is the act of taking the writings of another person and passing them off as one’s own (source 1, source 2). The crucial point here is that the taking of writings of other people must be made without attribution.Was ist ein Plagiat? Ein Plagiat ist der Akt, die Schriften einer anderen Person zu übernehmen und sie als die eigenen auszugeben (Quelle 1, Quelle 2). Entscheidend ist, dass die Übernahme von Schriften anderer Personen ohne Bezug auf diese Person erfolgen muss.¿Qué es el plagio? Es el acto de tomar los escritos de otra persona y hacerlos pasar por propios (fuente 1, fuente 2). El punto crucial aquí es que la toma de escritos de otras personas debe hacerse sin atribución.
I use many long quotes / excerpts from good books, AND I always reference the author (e.g. here). Thus, it is - by definition - NOT plagiarism.Ich verwende viele lange Zitate / Auszüge aus guten Büchern, UND ich verweise immer auf den Autor (z.B. hier). Es handelt sich also - per Definition - NICHT um ein Plagiat.Utilizo muchas citas largas / extractos de buenos libros, Y siempre hago referencia al autor (por ejemplo, aquí). Por tanto, NO es plagio, por definición.
Possibility 1: the reader of my post likes the content and decides to buy the book. This is great for the author, and my post was effective promotion. If my post gets upvoted or not (which is entirely up to my readers) has no bearing on the book's author.Fall 1: Dem Leser meines Beitrags gefällt der Inhalt und er beschließt, das Buch zu kaufen. Das ist toll für den Autor, und mein Beitrag war eine effektive Werbung. Ob mein Beitrag upgevotet wird oder nicht (was allein in der Hand meiner Leser liegt), hat keinen Einfluss auf den Autor des Buches.Posibilidad 1: al lector de mi post le gusta el contenido y decide comprar el libro. Esto es estupendo para el autor, y mi post ha sido una promoción eficaz. Si mi post recibe votos positivos o negativos (lo cual depende enteramente de mis lectores) no tiene ninguna relación con el autor del libro.
Possibility 2: the reader likes my excerpts and decides that these excerpts bring him/her enough value, so that he does not need to buy the book. This is good for the reader (as he can save the book's price), less so for the book author (perhaps he should write more concise books). But in this case, haven't I earned potential rewards even more than in possibility 1? I consider reading and judging which parts of a book are very good (worth excerpting) and which not, a worthwhile work. Potential rewards reward that.Fall 2: Dem Leser gefallen meine Auszüge und er beschließt, dass diese Auszüge ihm genug Nutzen bringen, so dass er das Buch nicht kaufen muss. Das ist gut für den Leser (da er den Buchpreis spart), weniger gut für den Buchautor (vielleicht sollte er prägnantere Bücher schreiben). Aber habe ich in diesem Fall potenzielle Rewards nicht noch mehr verdient als bei Fall 1? Ich betrachte es als lohnende Arbeit, zu lesen und zu beurteilen, welche Teile eines Buches sehr gut sind (es lohnt sich, einen Auszug zu machen) und welche nicht. Potenzielle Rewards belohnen das.Posibilidad 2: al lector le gustan mis extractos y decide que estos extractos le aportan suficiente valor, de modo que no necesita comprar el libro. Esto es bueno para el lector (ya que puede ahorrarse el precio del libro), no tanto para el autor del libro (quizás debería escribir libros más concisos). Pero en este caso, ¿no he ganado posibles recompensas incluso más que en la posibilidad 1? Considero que leer y juzgar qué partes de un libro son muy buenas (merece la pena extractarlas) y cuáles no, es un trabajo que merece la pena. Las recompensas potenciales recompensan eso.
If you like my posts (or you get some value from it) you're invited to vote them up, if you don't like them please don't vote them up. In any case, downvotes are unwarranted.Wenn dir meine Posts gefallen (oder du einen Nutzen daraus ziehst), kannst du sie gerne upvoten, wenn sie dir nicht gefallen, dann bitte nicht. Downvotes sind in jedem Fall ungerechtfertigt.Si te gustan mis posts (o sacas algún provecho de ellos) te invito a votarlos, si no te gustan por favor no los votes. En cualquier caso, los votos negativos no están justificados.


Dear Reader, what do you think?

Have a fantastic day,

just to be clear: with this post I explain myself solely to my dear readers. As hivewatchers and its cronies are either too stupid or too malignant (or both), I don't expect them to even try to understand what plagiarism is and even less that they change anything in their damaging behavior.Nur zur Klarzustellung: Mit diesem Post erkläre ich mich ausschließlich meinen lieben Lesern. Da hivewatchers und ihre Amigos entweder zu dumm oder zu bösartig sind (oder beides), erwarte ich nicht, dass sie auch nur versuchen zu verstehen, was ein Plagiat ist, und noch weniger, dass sie etwas an ihrem schädlichen Verhalten ändern.Para que quede claro: con este post me explico únicamente ante mis queridos lectores. Como los vigilantes de la colmena y sus compinches son demasiado estúpidos o demasiado malignos (o ambas cosas), no espero que intenten siquiera entender qué es el plagio y menos aún que cambien nada en su perjudicial comportamiento.

source source


A war against hive watchers....




Please report abuse of downvotes and reward destruction by criminal acting stakeholders on the Hive Blockchain to the SEC.

SEC Contact:

Alternatively, the affected user can directly report the relevant accounts by name to the SEC in the United States of America.

Please use the following Contact Link to the SEC

United States Marshal Service Contact - USMS:

We also recommend reporting to the United States Marshal Service if you have been repeatedly harmed by misuse of stake power by account holders with significant market power. Accounts that use their stakepower to repeatedly and specifically harm users of the blockchain can also report the accounts in question anonymously to the United States Marshal Service.

Further information can be found at the following Contact Link of USMS Wanted

Please report to us via the above mentioned contact data, all cases of:

  • Fraudulent or unregistered offer or sale of securities, including things like
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Pyramid schemes
  • High-Yield Investment Programs
  • Theft or misappropriation of funds or securities
  • Manipulation of a security's price or volume
  • Insider trading

Residents of Canada are able to report the abuse of downvotes or criminal actions on the blockchain against your account in the following manner:

To report cryptocurrency-related crime in Canada, you can follow these steps:

  • Contact Local Law Enforcement: Start by reporting the incident to your local law enforcement agency. Visit your nearest police station or contact the non-emergency phone number to file a report. Provide them with all the details of the cryptocurrency-related crime, including transaction information, wallet addresses, communication records, and any other relevant evidence.

  • Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC): Report the incident to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, which is a national organization that collects and analyzes fraud-related information. They can provide assistance and forward your report to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. You can reach the CAFC through their website ( or by calling their toll-free number: 1-888-495-8501.
    Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC): If you suspect money laundering or other financial crimes related to cryptocurrency, you can report the incident to FINTRAC. FINTRAC is Canada's financial intelligence unit responsible for detecting, preventing, and deterring money laundering and terrorist financing activities. Visit their website ( for information on how to submit a suspicious transaction report.

  • Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA): If the cryptocurrency-related crime involves securities fraud or an unregistered investment, you can report it to the CSA. The CSA is an umbrella organization that coordinates and harmonizes securities regulation across Canada. Visit their website ( to find the contact information for your provincial or territorial securities regulator.
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP): In some cases, you may need to report cryptocurrency-related crime to the RCMP, especially if it involves significant financial losses, cross-provincial or international elements, or if directed to do so by your local law enforcement agency. Visit the RCMP website ( to find the contact information for the nearest RCMP detachment or division.

  • When reporting the cryptocurrency-related crime, provide as much detailed and accurate information as possible. Include transaction details, wallet addresses, timestamps, communication records, and any other relevant evidence. Keep copies of all documents and communications related to the incident for future reference.

  • It's important to note that reporting cryptocurrency-related crime is crucial for raising awareness and assisting law enforcement in their investigations. However, due to the nature of cryptocurrencies, recovery of stolen funds can be challenging, and success may vary depending on the circumstances.


Very sorry to read this @zuerich, as it touches on the single biggest reason why I stopped writing any content on our Hive blockchain (other than occasional commenting), for 1-½ years. And, very frankly, makes me question what on earth I am doing deciding recently to take it up again ...

  • As simply as I can state it, there is an aspect of injustice to it, ...

for which any aggrieved party,
has no
effective means
of redress!
Full stop. Period.

  • Exacerbated / aggravated by the unwillingness (in far too many instances) of these people to invest some time in letting the downvoted authors know why they have been ... "attacked" ...

  • The loss of value to our Hive blockchain is far greater than any supposed "gain." There has to be a better way found, to accomplish their stated objectives. Far better ...

  • With that said, a little investigation (upon my reading your post this morning) turned this up, written only a short time ago. A sign of "the corner being turned?" 🤷‍♂️

  • Maybe ... Maybe ... But, if so, painfully slow ...

Keep on keeping on, my friend! Perhaps there is a new day dawning on the Hive blockchain! 🌄


Thank you for your comment, @roleerob!
It's not that bad for me, as my post rewards don't go to zero. Thus, my posts stay visible. I kind of provoke this "battle" as I expose and ridicule hivewatchers' wrongdoing. That's ok for me, and I will keep on keeping on 😀


Please report abuse of downvotes and reward destruction by criminal acting stakeholders on the Hive Blockchain to the SEC.

SEC Contact:

Alternatively, the affected user can directly report the relevant accounts by name to the SEC in the United States of America.

Please use the following Contact Link to the SEC

United States Marshal Service Contact - USMS:

We also recommend reporting to the United States Marshal Service if you have been repeatedly harmed by misuse of stake power by account holders with significant market power. Accounts that use their stakepower to repeatedly and specifically harm users of the blockchain can also report the accounts in question anonymously to the United States Marshal Service.

Further information can be found at the following Contact Link of USMS Wanted

Please report to us via the above mentioned contact data, all cases of:

  • Fraudulent or unregistered offer or sale of securities, including things like
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Pyramid schemes
  • High-Yield Investment Programs
  • Theft or misappropriation of funds or securities
  • Manipulation of a security's price or volume
  • Insider trading

Residents of Canada are able to report the abuse of downvotes or criminal actions on the blockchain against your account in the following manner:

To report cryptocurrency-related crime in Canada, you can follow these steps:

  • Contact Local Law Enforcement: Start by reporting the incident to your local law enforcement agency. Visit your nearest police station or contact the non-emergency phone number to file a report. Provide them with all the details of the cryptocurrency-related crime, including transaction information, wallet addresses, communication records, and any other relevant evidence.

  • Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC): Report the incident to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, which is a national organization that collects and analyzes fraud-related information. They can provide assistance and forward your report to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. You can reach the CAFC through their website ( or by calling their toll-free number: 1-888-495-8501.
    Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC): If you suspect money laundering or other financial crimes related to cryptocurrency, you can report the incident to FINTRAC. FINTRAC is Canada's financial intelligence unit responsible for detecting, preventing, and deterring money laundering and terrorist financing activities. Visit their website ( for information on how to submit a suspicious transaction report.

  • Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA): If the cryptocurrency-related crime involves securities fraud or an unregistered investment, you can report it to the CSA. The CSA is an umbrella organization that coordinates and harmonizes securities regulation across Canada. Visit their website ( to find the contact information for your provincial or territorial securities regulator.
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP): In some cases, you may need to report cryptocurrency-related crime to the RCMP, especially if it involves significant financial losses, cross-provincial or international elements, or if directed to do so by your local law enforcement agency. Visit the RCMP website ( to find the contact information for the nearest RCMP detachment or division.

  • When reporting the cryptocurrency-related crime, provide as much detailed and accurate information as possible. Include transaction details, wallet addresses, timestamps, communication records, and any other relevant evidence. Keep copies of all documents and communications related to the incident for future reference.

  • It's important to note that reporting cryptocurrency-related crime is crucial for raising awareness and assisting law enforcement in their investigations. However, due to the nature of cryptocurrencies, recovery of stolen funds can be challenging, and success may vary depending on the circumstances.


Please report abuse of downvotes and reward destruction by criminal acting stakeholders on the Hive Blockchain to the SEC.

SEC Contact:

Alternatively, the affected user can directly report the relevant accounts by name to the SEC in the United States of America.

Please use the following Contact Link to the SEC

United States Marshal Service Contact - USMS:

We also recommend reporting to the United States Marshal Service if you have been repeatedly harmed by misuse of stake power by account holders with significant market power. Accounts that use their stakepower to repeatedly and specifically harm users of the blockchain can also report the accounts in question anonymously to the United States Marshal Service.

Further information can be found at the following Contact Link of USMS Wanted

Please report to us via the above mentioned contact data, all cases of:

  • Fraudulent or unregistered offer or sale of securities, including things like
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Pyramid schemes
  • High-Yield Investment Programs
  • Theft or misappropriation of funds or securities
  • Manipulation of a security's price or volume
  • Insider trading

Residents of Canada are able to report the abuse of downvotes or criminal actions on the blockchain against your account in the following manner:

To report cryptocurrency-related crime in Canada, you can follow these steps:

  • Contact Local Law Enforcement: Start by reporting the incident to your local law enforcement agency. Visit your nearest police station or contact the non-emergency phone number to file a report. Provide them with all the details of the cryptocurrency-related crime, including transaction information, wallet addresses, communication records, and any other relevant evidence.

  • Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC): Report the incident to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, which is a national organization that collects and analyzes fraud-related information. They can provide assistance and forward your report to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. You can reach the CAFC through their website ( or by calling their toll-free number: 1-888-495-8501.
    Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC): If you suspect money laundering or other financial crimes related to cryptocurrency, you can report the incident to FINTRAC. FINTRAC is Canada's financial intelligence unit responsible for detecting, preventing, and deterring money laundering and terrorist financing activities. Visit their website ( for information on how to submit a suspicious transaction report.

  • Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA): If the cryptocurrency-related crime involves securities fraud or an unregistered investment, you can report it to the CSA. The CSA is an umbrella organization that coordinates and harmonizes securities regulation across Canada. Visit their website ( to find the contact information for your provincial or territorial securities regulator.
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP): In some cases, you may need to report cryptocurrency-related crime to the RCMP, especially if it involves significant financial losses, cross-provincial or international elements, or if directed to do so by your local law enforcement agency. Visit the RCMP website ( to find the contact information for the nearest RCMP detachment or division.

  • When reporting the cryptocurrency-related crime, provide as much detailed and accurate information as possible. Include transaction details, wallet addresses, timestamps, communication records, and any other relevant evidence. Keep copies of all documents and communications related to the incident for future reference.

  • It's important to note that reporting cryptocurrency-related crime is crucial for raising awareness and assisting law enforcement in their investigations. However, due to the nature of cryptocurrencies, recovery of stolen funds can be challenging, and success may vary depending on the circumstances.



"With this post I explain myself only to my dear readers"
I liked!

This is how it is debated, in the world of ideas!!


Some of the dpos is clearly abused. These watchers are just people with self interest.


Please report abuse of downvotes and reward destruction by criminal acting stakeholders on the Hive Blockchain to the SEC.

SEC Contact:

Alternatively, the affected user can directly report the relevant accounts by name to the SEC in the United States of America.

Please use the following Contact Link to the SEC

United States Marshal Service Contact - USMS:

We also recommend reporting to the United States Marshal Service if you have been repeatedly harmed by misuse of stake power by account holders with significant market power. Accounts that use their stakepower to repeatedly and specifically harm users of the blockchain can also report the accounts in question anonymously to the United States Marshal Service.

Further information can be found at the following Contact Link of USMS Wanted

Please report to us via the above mentioned contact data, all cases of:

  • Fraudulent or unregistered offer or sale of securities, including things like
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Pyramid schemes
  • High-Yield Investment Programs
  • Theft or misappropriation of funds or securities
  • Manipulation of a security's price or volume
  • Insider trading

Residents of Canada are able to report the abuse of downvotes or criminal actions on the blockchain against your account in the following manner:

To report cryptocurrency-related crime in Canada, you can follow these steps:

  • Contact Local Law Enforcement: Start by reporting the incident to your local law enforcement agency. Visit your nearest police station or contact the non-emergency phone number to file a report. Provide them with all the details of the cryptocurrency-related crime, including transaction information, wallet addresses, communication records, and any other relevant evidence.

  • Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC): Report the incident to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, which is a national organization that collects and analyzes fraud-related information. They can provide assistance and forward your report to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. You can reach the CAFC through their website ( or by calling their toll-free number: 1-888-495-8501.
    Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC): If you suspect money laundering or other financial crimes related to cryptocurrency, you can report the incident to FINTRAC. FINTRAC is Canada's financial intelligence unit responsible for detecting, preventing, and deterring money laundering and terrorist financing activities. Visit their website ( for information on how to submit a suspicious transaction report.

  • Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA): If the cryptocurrency-related crime involves securities fraud or an unregistered investment, you can report it to the CSA. The CSA is an umbrella organization that coordinates and harmonizes securities regulation across Canada. Visit their website ( to find the contact information for your provincial or territorial securities regulator.
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP): In some cases, you may need to report cryptocurrency-related crime to the RCMP, especially if it involves significant financial losses, cross-provincial or international elements, or if directed to do so by your local law enforcement agency. Visit the RCMP website ( to find the contact information for the nearest RCMP detachment or division.

  • When reporting the cryptocurrency-related crime, provide as much detailed and accurate information as possible. Include transaction details, wallet addresses, timestamps, communication records, and any other relevant evidence. Keep copies of all documents and communications related to the incident for future reference.

  • It's important to note that reporting cryptocurrency-related crime is crucial for raising awareness and assisting law enforcement in their investigations. However, due to the nature of cryptocurrencies, recovery of stolen funds can be challenging, and success may vary depending on the circumstances.


I have really missed your post as it looks like it has been a while you posted last


Hive ist ein Downvote-Drecksloch mit widerlichen Bazillen am Drücker mit viel zu viel HP und eigenen Interessen. Hier sind die Hivewatchers und Themarkymark erwähnenswert! Komm zu BLURT!


So wahr wer mag schon diese uneinsichtige Clicke was wurde schon darüber debattiert und gestritten, wie will man den jemanden Zitieren in den Augen der Downvoter?
Stay Strong @zuerich 💪


Hehe :-) Sehr Geil. Ja so mancher muss noch Lernen, das man nicht anderer Leute Federn nutzt um sich Selbst zu Schmücken.

Ich hasse das, seit ich 7 Jahre alt bin. :-)

Naja auf jeden Fall, habe ich eine Frage an dich.

Ist es auch ein Plagiat, wenn mir der Selbe! Wortlaut selbst eingefallen ist, wie ihn vorher schon jemand anderes benutzt hat?

Das ist eine Frage, die ich mir schon länger mal gefallen habe lassen, weil ich immer wieder Plagiate damit in meinem Leben erschaffen also "Neuerfunden" habe, was schon da war...

Beste Grüße


Ist es auch ein Plagiat, wenn mir der Selbe! Wortlaut selbst eingefallen ist, wie ihn vorher schon jemand anderes benutzt hat?

  • Das hängt aus meiner Sicht von der Länge des Texts ab. Wenn Du einen Satz mit 10 Wörtern formulierst, ist es ziemlich wahrscheinlich, dass dieser Satz schon mal genau so von irgendjemandem gesagt oder geschrieben wurde. Dann ist das kein Plagiat. Wenn es ein Absatz mit 1000 Wörtern ist, ist das sehr unwahrscheinlich. Dann wäre es ein Plagiat und man sollte die Quelle angeben.

Ja, das klingt Logisch. Wäre in meinem Fall auch nie über einen Satz hinausgegangen. Aber vorgekommen ist es und es fühlt sich "Komisch" an. :-)

Als hätte man was Geklaut, obwohl man es ja selbst nur "auch" gefunden hat.

Danke für die Erklärung. Einen 1000 Worte Absatz werde ich wohl nicht auf die selbe Art "Neuproduzieren" können. :-)


Da hast Du Dir bei denen aber keine Pluspunkte geholt.

Sich dieses Mark Jeftovic Clans zu entledigen wird nur durch eine Hardfork gelingen, bei der alle mit demselben Startkapital beginnen.


Des Startkapital wäre dann hoffentlich auch eine schöne "Null". :-)

Wird Zeit, das wir uns langsam mal von den Altlasten hier Befreien... Im Wege steht uns nur die Unfähigkeit der Zusammenarbeit.

Beste Grüße
