RE: Old and new forecasts + happy new year 2024!


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Do you really think that the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds have so much power? Their wealth has been distributed over many family members and /or squandered. These family members have different goals and are not really able to direct the world.
And Soros and Gates are 2 billionaires with certain political goals, but with limited power.


The questions is, how much power one guy or a clan, group, foundation, asset management etc. has. Every power is limited, but if only some of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Soros and Blackrock work together than they very likely can rule at least the Western countries.

Their wealth has been distributed over many family members and /or squandered.

I think that's unlikely, much more likely they have more than 95 % of their wealth in trusts and foundations in the very long term and across generations and without the power of disposal of individuals.

And you know about the influence of the Gates Foundation on the WHO, as only one example? And you are also aware of the enormous and extremely harmful and dangerous influence of the WHO worldwide, which has become abundantly clear, especially in the highly criminal coronavirus era?


I think that's unlikely, much more likely they have more than 95 % of their wealth in trusts and foundations in the very long term and across generations and without the power of disposal of individuals.

Some of that wealth may be in trusts/foundations but those are run by different people with different goals/agendas. There is not one agenda that can rule the world. Not even "powerful" clubs like the WEF have real power, in order to shape the world to their members' view. There are thousand of different and opposing views. These people just sit together, eat expensive meals, drink expensive wines, and feel utterly important.

The WHO is an awful organization with a very bad track record, but China's influence on it is far more dangerous than Gates'.


Fuck @spaminator - u got an upvote from me :D
Have a wonderful weekend <3
Btw - check out - same as hive, but without the downvotes ;)
Hit me up on Blurt to get a big, free vote ;D
