Puppy Photography Patience

When I was a child and first heard the myth that a year for a human is equal to seven years for a dog I thought that meant dogs experienced some kind of accelerated time. This photo I made a meme of was taken by me back in 2016. My dog at the time was named Tesla (named after the inventor and not the automotive company). It's been my experience that every dog has their own unique personality and Tesla definitely had a loving spirit and enjoyed making her human friends smile.
Collection: Holovision's Memes
Total Edition(s): 100
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Edition #
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holovision 70 Private 3500 MEME ($0.077)
holovision 71 Private 3500 MEME ($0.077)
holovision 72 Private 3500 MEME ($0.077)
holovision 73 Private 3500 MEME ($0.077)
holovision 74 Private 3500 MEME ($0.077)
holovision 75 Private 3500 MEME ($0.077)
mvl2304 78 Private 3500 MEME ($0.077)
holovision 51 Private 4000 MEME ($0.089)
holovision 52 Private 4000 MEME ($0.089)
holovision 53 Private 4000 MEME ($0.089)
Per Page:
@holovision tokenized 100 editions
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