delicious Shutki Fish Bharta.


We all love to eat delicious food. After a hard day's work, when we come back home, we all feel tired and don't have that much taste in our mouth, so the food must be good.

Many may like vegetables, many may like meat, many like fish, but I love vegetables and this kind of bharta.

For example, Shutki Fish Bharta, I like it very much. We didn't like it much when we were in Bangladesh, but when we came to Malaysia, after coming here, we got to know different people and the people of each place eat different kinds of food, this Shutki Fish Bharta is from them I have learned to eat it now it is one of my favorite foods.

Whenever I see that now I don't have that kind of rope in my mouth or to eat my rice, I think that if I could make some dried fish soup today, I might be able to eat some rice.

Today I have appeared among you with that dry fish filling.

These fish are cleaned in different supermarkets. You must see these fish in front of you. These fish are of different sizes, for example, in some places, they are sold in plastic, and in some places, they are sold for what and where they are available.

I bought it by weight from a supermarket. It costs a lot. The fishes need to be cleaned well with white water first, then they need to be stirred for a while with a container because I don't know where these fishes come from and how they are dried. For this reason, the fish should be moved a little after doing it well.

Many people may know that for bhatta, it is better if the amount of spices is a little more, like the amount of onion is a little more, the amount of garlic is a little more, and the amount of green pepper must be a little tight, otherwise the bhatta is never good. Quota should be cut in the same way.

Then the onions and garlic should be fried well for the batter. I took out the old battering machine. Now that I have come to Malaysia, I see that everyone is using this thing.

If you don't have a plane, you can make it with a blender, it's very convenient, nothing else, and if you apply a little mustard oil before eating, then there's no problem, especially we Bangladeshi people use mustard oil to eat bharta.

Very easy to make delicious Shutki Fish Bharta.
