Why powering up hive is sooo important.


Hive could turn out to be the betamax of cryptos.
For those of you too young to remember the vhs/betamax war, betamax was the sony videotape system that had stereo sound from the beginning.
The cassette cartridges were smaller, using less plastic.
The technology was superior.
VHS was the winner in that war.
It didn't get stereo sound until near the end.
But, it did get mass adoption.

IF hive is to succeed it is going to be the community that saves it.
IF we don't adopt hive as valuable the platform will fail.
As things stand, most of the rewards pool is going to people that dump it as quick as they can.
One only has to take a look at the 70rep accounts with double digits in hive power to see that somebody is wanting cheap hive on the market.
Both the curator and the authors are cooperating in pushing down the value of the holdings of the rest of us.

How many edgy creators, known authors, and high influence people do we drive away before we hold to account the people that are doing this to the rest of us?

Zero spammers, zero scammers, zero farmers, zero dumpers get rewards that are not voted to them by a curator.
50% of the daily rewards voted directly from the top 20 curation accounts.
One only has to follow them for a few days to see that most of their votes go to people that dump the rewards as quick as they can.

Curators are directly responsible for who gets rewards.

If you hope to see hive live up to its potential, not all of us do, power up what the community gives you.
It has value.
You are being given power in an economy that, once adopted, will not be available to those that come later.
The more the price rises the less hive is paid out per hbd.

Hive is in its infancy.
Selling now is like selling 50 cent bitcoin.

If you are voting rewards to people that are dumping them, you are cutting not only your own throat, but all of our's, too.

Thanks, alot.


Are you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places?
Perhaps it is time you pushed back on that.
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
The fed buys coins at face value from the mint.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets.
Stop playing in their shell game that allows them to play in the amusement parks from hell and shop in the human grocery stores.

'Aint that fresh?'

Hunter's cat in the cradle

Take the chapter 9 challenge.

Death to Discord!
Long live Sting!

Join the Hive Discordiant Room: https://peakd.com/c/hive-104940/created


Billy Jack, the movie.
The Trial of Billy Jack.
Billy Jack goes to Washington.

Sign in here.


"50% of the daily rewards voted directly from the top 20 curation accounts."

This is the problem of a plutocracy, and is not soluble by somehow constraining all other curation, which simply isn't potential. Eliminating curation rewards would defund profiteering from curation, and go a long ways towards solving the problem. Of course the oligarchy that uses this mechanism to mine inflation for fiat and governance of Hive would rather see the platform destroyed than escape their control, so even though the other 2980 users of Hive might ubiquitously agree, those 20 accounts will maintain their control of governance and extractive profiteering because they control the necessary stake to do so in a plutocracy.

There is a 5th generation fork being implemented, and these issues might be addressed if you are willing to contribute your policy advice during the initial contemplation of it's formation. If you're interested I can provide a link for your participation.



IF a 1000mv cap had been put on curation this wouldn't be an issue, we could even bring back the n2 and bring back the curation game, again.
The only reason that the original game of 'find it first and multiply your curation rewards' is because greedy f**ks killed it for all of us.

As things are now, the greedy folks still make their's but now the little people have no chance of winning the lottery on a post.
No longer is it possible to put a .1hbd vote on a post and get a multiple of .1 in curation rewards.
It was possible to make real gains at curation by finding and voting 'good' posts first.
Now it is not.

All hail, the greedy f**ks!

If we do away with author/curation rewards, how does the coin distribute?
Straight rich people getting richer because they have more than the rest of us?

The way out of this is for poor people stop pissing away what the community gives them on cheap coffee and danishes.
'I need to eat, anti.'
Yeah, well anti calls bs.
They were eating the week before they found the hive.

We are being given free power in system that can't be taken away, and most are dropping it like it was hot.
IF hive doesn't become the betamax of crypto, it will be because people found hive valuable and didn't piss it away as quick as they could find a sucker to take it off their hands.


If we do away with author/curation rewards, how does the coin distribute?

Author rewards are not at all the same as curation rewards. Author rewards are the key insight that enables Hive to outperform normie platforms. However, curation rewards utterly degrade the entire system and have concentrated rewards in an oligarchy, as well as deranging free speech by substituting pecuniary interest for authentic societal values to drive curation.


So, I just set up sockpuppets and vote myself?

have concentrated rewards in an oligarchy,

I think the ninjamine did that.
Someone that sets up, and restarts, a blockchain to have 80% control over it is not letting that slip away if they can help it.
The top 20 accounts that control 50% of the daily rewards are largely of the same vintage as the stinc and benefited from the benefits of being here that early on.

as well as deranging free speech by substituting pecuniary interest for authentic societal values to drive curation.

I'd think people smart enough to have gained control of hive would be smart enough to know that you can buy friends, but only for so long.
Then the 'friends' will finally demand too much, and leave.

I think the few people now that have a minimum of 30% of the hive are mostly laying low hoping to not be noticed as that would be a deal breaker for too many people if it was broadly known.

The path out of this is to power up more hive into more accounts.


When considering VHS vs Betamax there was only room in the environment for one to succeed.
There are many reasons for why this was the case; centralization was the answer.
Comparing that to crypto doesn't really translate at all.

When you look out at the ocean do you think the guys on surfboards are trying to control the waves?
Trying to control behavior in the way you propose isn't going to work.

If we want people to hold onto the token, then there needs to be a reason for people to hold the token.
Meaning it has to be a circular economy.
Easiest way to accomplish this is to 'simply' increase the value of on-chain bandwidth.
The higher the demand to post to chain the more RCs people are going to need.
Users need more ways to turn bandwidth into value and value back into bandwidth.
A kind of blockchain alchemy if you will.

Again this counter-strategy of trying to eliminate the market cycle and force people to hold when everyone is selling... historically that tactic has never worked in any economy, so I'm skeptical. The mob does what the mob does and it's very hard to control them. Billions are pumped into simply nudging the herd into one direction or another. Hive doesn't have those kinds of resources, and are we really trying to rule by propaganda if we did?

Although I will admit that I did come up with a plan a while back to bring a little imperialism to the blockchain and attempt to rule by force. Perhaps you'd like you hear the pitch, in private.


Again this counter-strategy of trying to eliminate the market cycle and force people to hold when everyone is selling

The idea isn't to force an ideal, but to stem the flow that keeps the platform bleeding out.

Why isn't hive at its all time high?
Because people sold it down to the price it is now.
Why won't hive rise in price?
Because there are more sellers than buyers.

I am only trying to establish a minimum, I'm told my numbers are too high, that may well be, I can't pull the math out of the code, so I spitballed some numbers, and they do look a little high looking around.

I do know the round numbers increase in increments of 10, to get from 65 to 66 takes 10x what it took from 64 to 65.
How that translates to a 66 rep account should be holding xx hp can be determined.
I don't have access to the formula, though.

In any event, powering down to sell at this time is probably a 'bad' idea.
I think 'the community' should be being discouraged from doing that.
I think we do the newbs a favor when we require some discipline from them, too.

Are they free to piss it all away on sprinkles for their lattes?
Should we respect people that can't control themselves?
Hmmm,...not in my utopia.
Certainly not without prior accommodations.

I blame the curators.
Those leaking out our collective's value for their own gratifications now don't get anything that somebody hasn't voted to them.

The governance aspect of hive is far more valuable than it is given respect for.
This dumping is concentrating that aspect into too few hands, imo.
As a direct result of curators' continued support of that happening.
It's looking as if some people want hive to fail.

A broader distribution fixes this.


Yeah I mean I can definitely get on board with a lot of what you're saying here.

Are they free to piss it all away on sprinkles for their lattes?

But then I see stuff like this and you're really trivializing the fact that a lot of this money is being ported into the developing world to pay for simple necessities. The flip side of that argument is knowing that most people are really bad managers of their own finances, so it's a very difficult conversation to have; full of weird nuances and caveats.


I haven't looked to see how much is going to people that actually need it, but I've traveled, those people are eating, or they wouldn't be able to access the web.
I don't bemoan the people that actually do need it, but I would guess that whatever they spent it on will be less valuable than hive governance tokens once adoption occurs.
Ergo, spending it today costs them a potentially wealthy tomorrow.

Presuming those that want to see hive fail don't succeed at turning us into a betamax tech.


I would make the argument that Hive is working very sub-optimally if users can't come here and put in some work and get paid for that work. The value of the work they've done needs to be slightly more than they get paid in order for the network to profit from the exchange. Once again: Easier said than done of course.


if users can't come here and put in some work and get paid for that work.

Right, and that is withing the coded rules.
50% comes as liquid.

My rant is against those that power down to sell.
Even there I'd grant leeway.
But, we are being abused and nobody is paying attention.
Voting rewards to those that dump them hurts us all.


I tried to pm you in sting, but it has been on the fritz for a week or more now, for me.


Interesting posts, I'm so new to this platform I don't have the context to significantly assess your take on the mechanics of price action. I do have a significant appreciation of your username and ethos though. Thanks for linking the Veterans group - I was just wondering if there was a Vets group here on Hive. I served in the 10th Mountain Division - Infantryman - 11B.
