End Of The Year | A Memorable Day


In the next few days, this year will come to an end. However, every year comes with their owns ups and downs, but not allowing the challenges to overcome us is the best things in life. With all that have happened to me since I became an adult, I can come to conclusion that this year is the most wonderful year of my life.

There's two most important things that happened to me this year. The first things is that I got married this year and the second thing is that few weeks after my wedding, I joined the beautiful community of hive.

According to the question asked by @galenkp of weekend Experience on how are you celebrating the end of 2023. There are a few celebration task, that I'm planning to execute on the last day of the year.

Firstly, I'm planning to go out on a date with my wife, so that we can visit some places together, capture more beautiful pictures and create more happy memories together, just like when we did on Christmas night, when we went to cinemas to see some movies.

My marriage is just 2month and some week, but due to some certain things, since we have gotten married, Christmas night make it the first day we would go out on a date together. I want to have such experience again and celebrate the end of year outside home.

Another thing that I'm planning to do on the new Year's eve, is to go for cross overnight program with my wife. In this program, we could have some fun and enjoy ourselves. Spending the end of the year celebration with our love one's and creating a happy memories together is a good thing to do, so that is what I promised myself to do.

My best wishes for every lover of hive is happy and healthy new year. May your home gets filled with good fortune.

Thanks for your time on my blog.

All images are mine.


I hope you remain happy, friend, and your marriage will last until the end of your life @ashiru


Amen. Thanks for d prayers.

Thanks for stopping by I do really appreciate.
