Happiness | A Vital Part Of Life



Happiness means different things to different people, to some people happiness comes with love and joy, while some people, happiness means having everything that life has to offer. However to me, happiness is like other emotions is not something you achieve but rather it’s something you inhabit, For you to be happy you have to know yourself and while doing this, you need to love yourself. Happiness simply means loving yourself or self-love. When you love yourself and you know yourself you are able to know things that make you happy, food, good relationship that make you happy and so.

Another definition about happiness to me, is about being at peace with the creator. According to Psalm 144: 15 which say “happy are the people whose God is the lord”. Gods know us better than we know ourselves.


There are many obstacles that keep us away from been happy such as being bored, and psychological pain (broken heart, valid pain, troubled or challenging relationships), many of this obstacles are as a result of what you keep to yourself, you have to deconstruct them, set yourself free.

To achieve happiness and maintain happiness is more important in life because our ultimate goal in life is happiness. According to Aristotle “happiness isn’t pleasure nor is it virtue, it is the exercise of virtue. happiness cannot be achieved until the end of one’s life. Hence, it’s a goal and not a temporary state”

There are few ways to achieve and maintain happiness, which I’ll like to pointer.

  1. Be Grateful: I’ve learned to be grateful for what’s in my life and for the people that have enriched my lives towards happiness. This help me shift my focus away from negative feelings and increase my feelings towards happiness. According to “Amy Rees Anderson; A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected”. A little Appreciation goes a long way.

  2. Keep Engaging In What Brings You Happiness: Firstly, I learned to figure out thing that I love doing mostly in life, what makes me happy, and then I make those things my day to day activities. Spend a lot of time doing what you love Whether it’s cooking, reading, writing that make you happy, make time for them regularly, this can controlled our mind from worried that can trigger our happiness.

  3. Set A Purpose: I have learned that Being happy with who you are and what you have is a decision that have to be made. To set a purpose isn’t to own more but it’s to live a purpose driven life and making difference in the world. Since few days, that have join Hive blog have set a purpose to post at a post per day and this purpose have always makes me happy. A life with purpose is like seeing your life as having a goals and goals can lead to happiness.

  4. Good Relationship: happiness comes from a good relationship. Learned to surround your thing with people that make you happy and supported. I’ve always make an effort to connect with loved one’s, family and friends on a regular basis, This don’t just brings happiness in life, they also help you live years longer and feel healthier too.

  5. Self-care: let learn to take care of ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally. By eating good food, exercise (is good for both body and mind) and enough

  6. Share Of Love: I Try to do something good for someone else everyday, making someone else smile every day can show you just how important your altitude and actions are to the other people, try and engage in the act of kindness and service to other. However, Different people, have different ways or methods you can engage with to achieve and maintain happiness.


“Money cannot buy happiness”, this an adage that some people live by and other ignore. A lot of people think that happiness can be brought with the help of money. But according to me, lot of money will surely provide us lot of things and ways to entertain ourselves but it can never buy us happiness that we need. Family, friends and love are priceless, they can never be brought.

Happiness comes with having good relationship with friends and family who care about us. When you choose money over family, you begin to abandon them for the love of money, and by doing this loneliness and bored can set in. Loneliness and bored are one of the things that triggers happiness. However, most of the memories, we have created was with them and family memories are a gift of life and best gift of life that can never be paid for or pay off. Money can help in a lot of situation but family can help in many more.

There are many prominent things that are very important to one’s life like contentment, health, happiness, physical and mental health that money can’t never buy. Let learn to be happy with whatever we have.

Do you know what makes you happy? Go for it. Do it and be happy


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