Symphony of destruction series - photos of the day meme


Previous episodes here and here.

Today I will not post links of the news, just photos that say more than words.

Another Saturday, another protest; walking/exercising for better health; literally and symbolically.
A far as I know, much more people were present and more towns included, without incidents, except one in Novi Sad; group of hooligans attacked protesters but they reacted fast and started chasing them; some managed to escape and some tried the taste of their own kind of behavior.






ofc memes could be better but did not want to use other photos than mine, and did not take them much

I saw that there are also protests in other countries, but for different reasons, some became violent, when protesters clashed with the police.
So many protests for moths, yet, no results, somewhere even worse situation. Hmmm...what do you think why that is? :blink:
Democracy, a? It is sad that we have to fight for our basic freedoms on the streets and that even this does not work. Clean air, clean waters and land are, seems, became luxury. And we know who have most of it, right*?

Anyway, I wish good luck to us all on the streets.

Conquistadores*, in the txt just change religion with money and modern version is ready :)
