My Dream // My Actifit Report Card: January 9 2024

Hello friends, good day to every one of you, how is the day going? Happy weekend to you, how is the day going? Am here to share with you, my report for Tuesday 9th January.


I sincerely appreciate the most high for a pretty day like this, it was a pleasure seeing myself on a Lovely Tuesday. I woke up around 7:39 a.m. 😳🤨 this is unusual. Haha it was a result of nice moments I was having in the dream world, so I don't want to miss it just like that, that was why I decided to enjoy it to the fullest before I woke up on Earth. Am going to be sharing a dream with you, I know it may sound funny 🤣 but remember that I told you in one of my reports, that "hard it has been I can install the actifit app in the phone am using in the dreams world, I could have been making a report from the dream world before I wake up each day". Because many activities go on in the dream world 🤣🤣. @actifit, please take note on this 🤣🤣🤣, @pjansen @lightsplasher @elizabethbit @sandymeyer @lovinglymers @misterc @anderssinho am I correct?
So many of us dream but have you ever dreamed and it looks like a movie or is happening live?
Let me share my last night's dream as a report card with you all.


My Last night Dream




Am not gonna tell you in detail, due to time, but let me give you a summary of what happened in my dream world on Tuesday night before the break in the morning.


A few minutes after I slept off, I saw myself on the road, going for a rescue mission. I was sent to go and rescue a lady who was captivated by some group of individuals in the next village. God helped me, and I was able to rescue the girl, but she was in a wheelchair. Oh our way back, I was pushing her and the chair on a sandy road. But my Joy was that, I was able to rescue her from the camp of her energy.


Have you ever dreamt while dreaming you woke up without knowing how the dream ended?

Have you ever dreamt and wished it was real life?

Have you ever dreamt, that when you woke up and decided to sleep again, the dream now continues from where it stops?


I sincerely appreciate you for reading through my report card, I do appreciate and wish you a good dream and mission possible night's rest.


The photographs are talking with Infinix Hot 10 pro and were edited with the Snapseed app, they are original images.


Thanks once more, Jah blesses, Jah love and Jah guide. Peace ✌️✌️ and Love 💕💕


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Home Improvement, House Chores, Jogging, Stretching, Walking, Yoga


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