This is Fine Friday 5/10

This is Fine Friday - AI meme madness

We attempt to reproduce a meme using AI, sometimes successfully, and sometimes... not so much. Image generated by Dezgo. Text captions generated by Google AI Studio.

AI generated meme

Little Timmy was thrilled to be at the beach for the first time. He couldn't wait to feel the sand between his toes and play in the waves. As he ran towards the water, he tripped and fell, but he didn't cry. He just laughed and got back up.

Original meme
original meme

Meme Story:

Little Timmy was enjoying his day at the beach, playing in the sand and making sand castles. Suddenly, a big wave came and washed away his castle. Timmy was furious! He clenched his fist and vowed to get revenge on the ocean.
