Untitled Post


No rice bread was made, no grasshopper photos of myself were made. It's a headache if we are addicted to our habit of taking pictures and writing but don't have good material for me to upload tonight.

Today I will try to make posts without having to think hard, sorry I'm not lazy but I think there are times when I entertain myself with my own pranks.

My life is already heavy and I don't want to burden it anymore.

This afternoon I met my best friend @lebah, the rainy season for both of us is a barrier to our success on the road, like this afternoon we just shook our heads and patted each of our foreheads this is our sign language to describe our sadness.

I can't do much other than entertain myself with my pranks by taking pictures of whatever is in front of me. Here's a shot of my phone camera without any knowledge or tricks;

I don't have many words to say this time, other than thank you very much and I hope you are always healthy, Amen.
