RE: MEME: Is the only difference a matter of scale?

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The phrase, "accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty of" needs its own term. The term, "projection" brings to mind a psychiatric disorder where a narcicist sees anyone but themself as a narcicist. A more accurate would be "preemptive deflection".

I see this so often it is sickening. How about we get the "you are a bigot, no you are a bigot" (substitute whatever inflammatory label in place of "bigot" here) out of the way, and debate facts and then conclusions.

Unfortunately? I don't see any way to defeat ploys like this except educate everyone on them.

Good point on false flags being a form of preemptuve deflection. I think anyone can do a false flag. Recall that democrats wanting to defeat a conservative rallies had people dressed as KKK members attend on at multiple occasions. Lately I heard that the "Birds are not real" parody has joined the new disinformation governance board and may show up at events that discuss conspiracies.


commenting about plants that Democrats would put at conservative rallies: I really loved that in these instances the real attendees would spot these folks and kick them out or chase them off. The media doesn't like to cover that part of the situation though.
