Hello hivers and Splinterlands lovers, how are you doing? Happy new year to everyone of you, it is your year of breaking forth. Year 2022 ended with a bear market, and the market continues to go deeper and deeper. 2023 will be bullish for crypto. It was very difficult for me to post today because I was using my phone instead of my laptop. There were no lights in my new environment where I am celebrating the new year. This week's theme is using cursed windeku in battle; share the experience so that people can watch and understand how to use cursed windeku in different positions in battles. I was elated when I saw this theme because cursed windeku is one of the monsters I like to use in battles; especially when a rule like monsters with melee can attack in any direction. Few days ago I battled with a player with the rule ' all melee monsters can attack in any position. I was not smart enough to beat my opponent; my opponent used cursed windeku as the last monsters while I use monsters with one Health such as explosive dwarf and explosive rat. The purpose of using the two monsters with blast ability was to quickly destroy an adjacent monster in the battle. Moreover, shield ability was given to all monsters in the battle. Therefore, removing the shield ability and damaging the health of adjacent monsters was part of my plan. I failed to realize that my opponent would also be planning how to defeat me. I got defeated in the battle because of coursed windeku's thorns ability.Hello hivers and Splinterlands lovers, how are you doing? Happy new year to everyone of you, it is your year of breaking forth. Year 2022 ended with a bear market, and the market continues to go deeper and deeper. 2023 will be bullish for crypto. It was very difficult for me to post today because I was using my phone instead of my laptop. There were no lights in my new environment where I am celebrating the new year. This week's theme is using cursed windeku in battle; share the experience so that people can watch and understand how to use cursed windeku in different positions in battles. I was elated when I saw this theme because cursed windeku is one of the monsters I like to use in battles; especially when a rule like monsters with melee can attack in any direction. Few days ago I battled with a player with the rule ' all melee monsters can attack in any position. I was not smart enough to beat my opponent; my opponent used cursed windeku as the last monsters while I use monsters with one Health such as explosive dwarf and explosive rat. The purpose of using the two monsters with blast ability was to quickly destroy an adjacent monster in the battle. Moreover, shield ability was given to all monsters in the battle. Therefore, removing the shield ability and damaging the health of adjacent monsters was part of my plan. I failed to realize that my opponent would also be planning how to defeat me. I got defeated in the battle because of coursed windeku's thorns ability.
Cursed windeku is one of the rare death monsters. The primary ability of this monster is thorns. This thorns ability has the capacity to damage melee monsters when it is attacked. The healing ability is activated and potent in level 5. When this healing ability is activated; then it is an additional ability which can make this monster very useful in the first position. There were cases when I came across this monster in first position. The speed of this monster is parallel, this simply means the speed is the same from level one to the highest level.
click here to watch the battle.
CURSED WINDEKU: equalizer rule was given which simply means that all monsters both in my lineup and my opponent lineup have the same number of health. It was necessary for me to use cursed windeku to damage the health or armor of the melee monsters in my opponent's lineup. I was so sure that the battle would be very tough in the front position. Just like I thought, the battle was so intense in the front position: all the opponent monsters were attacking my monster in the first position. Cursed windeku damaged the the armor of the kraken; damaged the heath of Deeplurker and Tide biter.
HARKLAW: I was aware that something like this would happened. I knew cursed windeku would be eliminated in this battle; that was the reason I chose harklaw as the second monster in case cursed windeku is destroyed. I knew that the shield ability of harklaw would be enough to delay opponent monsters from eliminating all my monsters. Harklaw did it's job very well, reduced the melee and ranged attack of opponent monsters but could not do anything against a magic monster in my opponent lineup.
GRIM REAPER: The major reason I used this monster was the ranged attack. It has the range attack of 4 which means an attack from grim reaper damages 4 health. The affliction was another reason. As grim reaper was afflicting The kraken, River nymph was using it's cleansing ability to cleanse all affliction. River nymph was the major reason the battle was very long.
DOCTOR BLIGHT: I added doctor blight to afflict and poison the opponent monsters. This monster was poisoning and afflicting most of the opponent monsters that led the battle. Without grim reaper and doctor blight, it would have been difficult for me to win the battle. @cryptogeek2020 was a smart player. He knew that I might use monsters with affliction and poison ability, he then used a cleanse ability monster to cleanse all impurities.
SILENT SHA-VI: fighting from behind is also good sometimes. If not silent sha-vi, Deeplurker would have done so much damage to my monsters. Deeplurker would have raised the hope of winning the battle.
It was silent sha-vi that eliminated Deeplurker; without this sneak monster it wouldn't have be easy for me to win.
CARRION SHADE: I was trying to defend my monsters at the back such as silent sha-vi and grim. reaper from sneaky monsters. I thought my opponent would used monsters with sneak ability. In conclusion, the beauty of cursed windeku lies in the battle rules. Using this monster wisely will make you want to use it all the time. Using it in an appropriate position will make cursed windeku one of the best monsters in Splinterlands.
I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Thank you for reading my post.
Credit to Splinterlands for the pictures in this post.
Credit: cmmemes
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