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Gamay married his two daughters with fanfare. One at the landlord's house and one at the potter's house. After a year, Gama went to meet his two sons at their house.
First, the bridegroom went to the house of the daughter of the landlord and asked her, how is your daughter doing? He said, Father, pray for rains, if there are no rains, the harvest will not be good and we will be desolate.
After that, he got up and went to the potter's house to the house of the daughter he had married, and the daughter said to him, Baba, pray that it does not rain, otherwise all the pots that have been made and not polished will be lost and we will become desolate.
Gama returned to his house, distraught. When the wife asked the reason for the trouble, Gama said with a cold sigh


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