The Falls of Besk (World Building Notes)

The World Building Community put out a prompt 2 days ago, asking us to describe a fallen civilization in our setting, and go into a bit of detail about what they were like, and who they were.

Here's A Link To The Prompt Post If You'd Like To Get Involved.


The Beskin Home World

Besk is a place I actually haven't spent a whole lot of time, but I do like the general idea I have for the place, and some ideas I have floating around for their world, culture, and what happened to them prior to joining the rest of Free Space.

The Beskin's are a humanoid race, completely covered in fur and on average they're pretty small - measuring at around 5,7" - of course, there are exceptions to their average height. They have a strong sense of smell, and use it as a way of remembering vivid details about their past - for example - there is one of the characters in the stories, Flux, who works as a hired gun for a gang on Jex, and he carries an old rag that he occasionally sniffs to remember a friend of his who the piece of clothing belonged to, and he uses it as a way to comfort himself and think about her.

Most Beskin's are very isolated from each other, and only feel comfortable forming close friendships with non-Beskins, due to a rare mental disorder they can develop known as "Degradation" which has affected their people since the dawn of time.


Throughout time they have suffered this disease and have never found a way to cure it. When a group of Beskin's become close, they create a hierarchy among themselves, and before they've realised it, the group descends into a sort of hive mind, where the chosen leader has total control over all other members, and typically, they become ravenous monsters who attack and kill anyone who isn't a part of their Den.

The only way to break the spell is to kill the leader, but to save all of the other members this must happen quickly because, after an extended period of time, the minds of those affected are too far gone to be saved, leaving the only option, execution.

There are entire industries on their world that revolve around destroying Dens and taking out anyone affected while trying to save anyone who can be. The only issue with saving people is, that it's very dangerous, so most people opt to just take the easy road and wipe them all out. The other reason for people to choose this option is because even if someone is saved early and broken from their Den, the damage to their mind leaves them in a constant state of confusion and they can sometimes hallucinate and have delusions.

When multiple different groups come into conflict with one another, a leader is established, and the fallen leader's group will merge with the rest, swelling the numbers of the Den, and making them a much larger threat to society.

The Falls

As far as historians can tell, the Beskin civilization fell more than five times, leaving their people in a terrible position where their advancements were concerned.

Beskin society has been in a constant battle with these forces, and their population fluctuates drastically, especially around the time of a fall. Breeding programs, as a result, are a time-honored tradition on Besk, one to ensure a diverse gene pool, and also to ensure that their population stays above a certain threshold.

Most Beskin's leave, at least for a little while, but every male is told to give sperm donations prior to leaving, just in case they were to never return.

Recordings of each fall and the wars to reclaim their world from the hordes of mindless monsters are considered some of the more terrifying of Free Space literature and have led to a brand of fiction that is sought after. Beskin authors are considered the best when writing about social issues, like mental health, and loneliness, and sometimes their work is known to inspire people from all walks of life. On the flip side, Beskin's are considered introverted, rude, and shy, but this is only because their society demands isolation from an early age, to try and keep Dens from forming.

Rebels tend to break these rules and traditions, and those are the ones who typically cause outbreaks on their world, and at that, are considered - by their society - some of the worst people in the world.

While there aren't a lot of records of their prior worlds and cultures, there have been studies made that state that all Beskin's of today are the evolution of a complete hive mind takeover, which is a scary prospect for any of them to imagine. As it would mean that the ones today have far less mental capacity as the ones before the falls.


Fascinating idea ! I guess the Beskin idea of a healthy sex life is an endless series of one-night-stands 😁

Although it makes me wonder how they handle the whole childcare thing. Does the degradation only happen on maturity, or are children segregated in single-person cells ? I can see a system of education by machine, or (in more primitive times) a group of tutors following a strictly defined syllabus but rotating so as not to see each pupil more than once or twice.

Dang, you've created some complicated things to think about ! A whole society of agoraphobics !


Hahaha I'm glad you liked it, and yeah, it's a pretty interesting idea that I would really like to expand on a little bit.

I find that following a Beskin is a good way to focus on loneliness and isolation as part of a story, and it's also a way to focus on a culture different than the others in the setting.

Currently, I'm imagining that Degradation can affect them at all ages, so it's very conscious in the minds of the Beskin people to not get too close to anyone, but now since they've branched out into Free Space, anyone that leaves is faced with ideas and worlds much different than their own, where they're encouraged to form friendships, even though it goes against everything they know. Which in and of itself is pretty interesting.

I would really like to work on them a bit more and go a bit more in-depth as far as their culture is concerned.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 171 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Very well thought out. It would be interesting if a common plant on some obscure world was found to be a cure. 😉😁😁


Actually, that wouldn't be a bad idea. It could hint that maybe some Beskin's left their world much earlier than previously thought, and the original cure was destroyed by a hive on their home world during one of the previous falls.

I like that idea, it could be well worth exploring.


Glad I could help. 😁


Do you ever join in on any of the world-building prompts? You always seem to have cool ideas floating around. They can be a lot of fun.


I'm working on some things. I do not have anything completely fleshed out but rverytime a new prompt comes out I creat a new story in my head because I can not figure out how to fit the prompt into one of the stories I have already created.


I'd really like to read some of them when you get them posted. Sometimes I got back to older prompts when I'm seeking a bit of inspiration.


Here are a few links for one of a handful of stories I started but have done nothing with since. I am trying to come up with a transportation system.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

After playing with some ai images trying to fix the broken ones in these posts I got a bit of a better idea but think it needs a little more work. I know they are kind of short. I may make them longer. Let me know what you think.



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Rebels tend to break these rules and traditions, and those are the ones who typically cause outbreaks on their world, and at that, are considered - by their society - some of the worst people in the world.

In reading your notes, it struck me that when all of us sci-fi creators look into the future, we see mayhem no matter what. This is in part because we enjoy being entertained with a good rumble in the jungle (even if it's in outer space). But what if this is just the way things are going to be in the future, and we'll always be engaged in some conflict or other. Is there a possibility of peace? While peace sounds boring, and it doesn't make for an exciting story, under what conditions can peace be achieved? In our time, we have achieved peace among the major powers because of nuclear bombs (irony alert!). In a future with more powerful weapons, wouldn't it be the case that people are going to behave for fear of their home-world (or star system) being blown to smithereens? I'm just thinking aloud cause I just drank some coffee. Great notes!


Thanks man, I'm glad you liked it.

Well, that's very true, while it would be nice to imagine a utopia, it wouldn't make for an interesting story unless there was some problem or issue they had.

I think on a major scale - like a galaxy spanning society - there would have to be peace - or some form of it - especially among multiple different races who knew they all had to live together. While there most likely wouldn't be major intergalactic war, I could imagine smaller planet v planet wars for a plethora of different reasons, because no matter what, there will always be political disputes among sentient people.

Or, there could be threats from individual groups who just want to destroy for whatever reason they can think of.

And, on a smaller scale, there would always be conflict among individuals, whether for the right or wrong reasons.

I dunno, I think life is chaos in a way, and the only way to make everyone be nice and work together in peace is if everyone was transfered to some sort of hive mind where they don't have individual free will. Although, there could even be conflict in that scenerio too if the one in charge of the hive mind, hated themselves !LOLZ



Yea, looking at different scales is a good way of putting it. We have conflicts at the family, group, village, city, country, etc. So just because we have achieved peace at the global level (relatively speaking), there are still all sorts of mayhem happening, and this will likely continue unless something drastic comes along like a virus that makes you spontaneously combust if you think about hurting others. Heh. We better not give them ideas.
