Honesty In Science


There are many cases in the world related to climate change, covi-d, tobacco, and many others. Every case has a scientific study. The question is, how do we believe in the scientific study?

"I don't believe there is a climate crisis," Clauser said during at Quantum Korea. "The world we live in today is filled with misinformation. It is up to each of you to serve as judges, distinguishing truth from falsehood based on accurate observations of phenomena.
This is a statement from a scientist about the climate crisis.
We need balanced information about a fact. In 2019–2020, during the lock lockdown, scientists who opposed the covi-d facts that countered the WHO protocols would be banned or muted on Twitter and social media. There was only a single information about covi-d from WHO and its partners.

Now, the media is as if standing on the side of the climate change movements. There are no anti-climate change statements published in the big media. The condition will be the same as in 2020.
Honesty in science is a rarity. There are many researchers who like to live in comfortable situations on the side of the mainstream media.

Social media can be a balancing power to counter the hegemony of a single information. Honest scientists are needed to speak up.
